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Press Release

OAS Secretary General Condemns Brutal Attack on Diplomatic Mission in Libya

  September 12, 2012

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, condemned the brutal attack on the consulate of the United States in Benghazi, Libya, which cost the lives of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three officials.

Insulza emphatically rejected the irrational violence unleashed against the U.S. consular office and said there are no reasons, whether religious, political, or of any kind, that can justify acts of such brutality.

The chief representative of the OAS said that this type of act denigrates humanity and defiles any objective pursued and recalled the horror of the attacks of September 11, 2001 that brought only pain and suffering not only to the American people but to the world.

Peace, freedom, and tolerance can only be defended with more peace, more freedom and more tolerance; criminal violence leads nowhere, and history has shown this permanently and persistently, insisted Insulza.

Secretary General Insulza expressed his condolences to the government of President Barack Obama to the families of the diplomats killed in the attack, expressing his regret that violence has again plunged innocent people into mourning.

Reference: E-309/12