Media Center

Press Release

OAS Mission Begins Deployment of Electoral Observers in Suriname

  May 24, 2010

The Electoral Observation Mission (EOM) of the Organization of American States (OAS) for the general elections to be held tomorrow in Suriname began this weekend with the deployment of observers and the conducting of numerous activities in the Caribbean country.

The Chief of the EOM/OAS, Irene Klinger, arrived last night in Paramaribo and held a series of meetings and briefings, first with the EOM team and later with various analysts and electoral and governmental authorities as well as labor union representatives.

Klinger asserted that "the OAS presence in Suriname is a demonstration of the democratic commitment of the OAS Member States and its Secretary General," adding that she is fully confident that "the electoral process will be held in accordance with the procedures established by the Constitution and the electoral laws of the Republic of Suriname."

The head of the EOM/OAS also met with the President of the Electoral Independent Committee, Jennifer V. van Dijk, and the representative of the Confederation of Civil Servants Organizations, Mr. Michael Miskin, and visited the various rallies organized by the political parties before the elections.

In the May 25 elections, Surinamese voters will elect 51 members of the National Assembly and representatives for the local and district councils. This will be the fifth electoral process observed by the OAS in this Caribbean country.

The Mission is made up of 26 observers who have already started deploying to the 10 districts of Suriname to observe the pre-electoral activities, the political campaign, the election itself, and the vote counting for the purpose of following the development of the electoral process, mainly its organization and the administrative progress of the elections.

OAS Electoral Observation Missions seek to contribute to the strengthening of democracy in the Americas through fair, free, participatory and transparent elections.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-193/10