Media Center

Press Release


  April 3, 2006

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, said today that to achieve greater democratic stability in the region, it is essential to strengthen the capacity for effective governance that benefits citizens.

In his speech to the annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), taking place in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Insulza noted that the region continues to show economic growth and is also going through “an exceptional time” in terms of normal, legitimate electoral processes. However, he warned, some countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have experienced instability and political crises.

“The obstacles and difficulties seen in the public arena in our region have to do with unresolved problems of poverty, inequality, discrimination and governance, which although they may not always be the responsibility of the government in power, are an unmistakable symptom of the inability of governments to respond to the growing demands of citizens. The main problem of today’s democracy, therefore, is governance,” Insulza said.

Democratic governance, he said, depends on three basic factors: the respect for and protection of human rights; an equitable distribution of the opportunities for growth and social progress; and the transparent, efficient exercise of the function of governing. Insulza underscored the need to strengthen these factors to consolidate good governance, noting in particular serious problems related to transparency in many countries and “unacceptable” levels of poverty. Many groups that traditionally have been excluded from the benefits of development do not have access to participate effectively in their countries’ civic life through formal channels and end up expressing their frustrations through alternative means, he said.

The Secretary General said that democracy itself, which has been strengthened in recent years, has given rise to a stronger demand for good government, “as more and more citizens demand an effective response to their problems.”

Insulza is participating for the first time as OAS Secretary General in the IDB’s annual meeting, convened by its President, Luis Alberto Moreno. The Secretary General noted that the institutions of the inter-American system are seeking to coordinate their activities more effectively to help meet their objectives.

The Secretary General offered an overview of several OAS priorities, including development programs linked to mandates of the Summits of the Americas and issues related to multidimensional security. Such issues are also related to good governance, he said, underscoring the basic need for effective and transparent public policies in all areas.

Reference: E-084/06