Media Center

Press Release


  April 22, 2005

Looking toward the Fourth Summit of the Americas, the Executive Committee of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) today adopted a package of recommendations related to the issue of “gender and access to decent jobs to confront poverty and strengthen democratic governance.”

The November 2005 Summit represents an “extraordinary opportunity” to propel the issue of gender into regional and national programs and policies, CIM President Nilcea Freire of Brazil said at the opening of the meeting, at the headquarters of the Organization of American States (OAS). She told the delegates of OAS member states that this is an effort that “each one of us must support from our countries and through CIM, since as it has been indicated, this Summit in particular will look at the issues of poverty, labor and democracy, which are essential in our work to achieve the empowerment of women.”

For her part, OAS Chief of Staff Sandra Honore, speaking on behalf of Acting Secretary General Luigi Einaudi, said that CIM has transformed the regional agenda. One “important achievement,” she said, was the adoption of the Follow-up Mechanism of the Convention of Belem do Para, the only international treaty that refers to gender-based violence. The mechanism, adopted by the states parties last October, “surely places our region at the forefront of world efforts to eliminate the violence against women,” she added.

Other issues examined by the Executive Committee included reports by the President and Executive Secretary on CIM’s activities such as trafficking in persons, especially women, adolescents and children; and the Inter-American Program on the Promotion of Women’s Human Rights and Gender Equity and Equality.

The Executive Committee also agreed to work on a basic common agenda with countries from the region, in order to arrive at international meetings with a regional consensus. The delegates expressed solidarity and support for the people of Ecuador, especially women in that Andean country, due to the current situation in that country.

Reference: E-077/05