Media Center

Press Release

Statement of the OAS Secretary General on World Water Day

  March 22, 2021

For more than half a century, the Organization of American States (OAS) has been promoting an agenda in which water is an element of development, cooperation and peace.

Today, in the face of the health emergency caused by COVID-19, it is clear that good water governance is central to guaranteeing the right to health, especially for the most vulnerable communities. Experience has allowed us to understand that the value of water transcends its economic dimension because it implies life, food security, health, recreation and development.

To this end, the Organization has promoted more than 160 projects and mobilized close to one billion dollars throughout the Americas and has also contributed to the creation of forums for dialogue in which countries decide politically and technically how to manage the water resources they share.

Regional progress is evident. Nearly 95 percent of people in Latin America and the Caribbean have access to sanitation services, although safe sanitation still lags behind, especially in rural areas where there are many challenges ahead.

Nearly 34 million people in the Americas do not have access to improved water sources for human consumption, which generates risks of disease and illness, especially among women.

On World Water Day, we want to remind the world that its value is immeasurable for the development, human rights, security and democracy agenda of the Americas.

To bet on its efficient and inclusive management is a task that the health emergency has brought back to its real dimension. Preparing the region for future epidemics and pandemics will require joint efforts to reduce the gaps in access to water and sanitation.

From the OAS General Secretariat, we will continue to promote an agenda in which water, as an invaluable resource, is a fundamental axis to guarantee more rights for more people.

Reference: E-027/21