Media Center

Press Release

OAS Collaborates with Honduras on Security Policies Reform

  February 1, 2012

The Secretary for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States (OAS), Ambassador Adam Blackwell, met this week with representatives of the government of Honduras with the objective of studying support initiatives for helping the Central American country formulate security policies.

“We are working on diagnosing the security and justice situation in Honduras, and in upcoming weeks we will submit to the Government a proposal to strengthen the security system,” said Ambassador Blackwell.

During his visit, the OAS representative held meetings with Foreign Minister Arturo Corrales, with the Minister of Security, Pompeyo Bonilla, and with the Rector of the Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), Julieta Castellanos, who is playing an outstanding role in reforming the security policies of her country.

Before Ambassador Blackwell’s visit, a group of experts from the OAS Secretariat for Multidimensional Security undertook a mission to evaluate the national citizen security system of Honduras. Towards that goal, the group interviewed hundreds of public officials and visited police headquarters, prisons and offices of the Judicial System in various cities of the country.

“Not only do we make a diagnosis of the work of police but also of prosecuting attorneys and of the entire system and the way they work together, because you can have the best police in the world but if there is no prosecutor’s office, then you have problems,” added the head of the OAS Secretariat for Multidimensional Security.

In addition to visiting Honduras, Ambassador Blackwell visited and met with government authorities of the following countries: Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Belize, and towards the end of the week he plans to visit El Salvador.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-024/12