Media Center

Press Advisory

Food Festival of the Americas to be held at OAS

  May 10, 2010

The Organization of Women of the Americas will hold the 12th Food Festival of the Americas this May 23 in the Gardens of the headquarters of the Organization of American States (OAS). The event is an invitation to the public to experience, in a festive atmosphere, the rich diversity of foods, music and dance offered by countries of the hemisphere.

An opportunity to experience traditional dishes and enjoy an entertaining program of activities, the event will also feature a raffle of 23 prizes, among them: a cruise to the Bahamas, airplane tickets, works of art, electrical appliances, jewelry, handicrafts and gift certificates to restaurants and beauty salons.

Those interested in participating in the raffle may buy the tickets on the day of the event or in advance for a cost of $10 by writing to the following address: [email protected] . The money collected will be donated to charitable institutions that benefit women and children, programs of assistance in the hemisphere, as well as to support a humanitarian organization in Peru, following the tradition of donating to the OAS General Assembly host country.

The Organization of Women of the Americas is a nonprofit organization, founded and made up by the wives of ambassadors and permanent observers to the OAS and other members. It is currently presided by Ms. Teresa Casaes, wife of the Permanent Representative of Brazil to the OAS.

In previous occasions, the Food Festival of the Americas has benefitted the Mary Center of Washington, the Caribbean Intercultural Organization, the Museum of the Americas, the Assistance Fund for Victims of Anti-personnel Mines in Central America, the Homes of Mother Teresa, the Club of Haitian Youth of the Parish of the Sacred Heart, and the Catholic Hispanic Center, among others.

WHAT: Food Festival of the Americas

WHEN Sunday, May 23, 2010 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

WHERE: Gardens

Organization of American States

17th Street & Constitution Ave. N.W.

Washington, D.C.

Reference: AVI-150/10