Media Center

Press Advisory

OAS and the United States Department of Justice to Organize a Cyber-crime Training Workshop in Peru

  March 9, 2013

The Organization of American States (OAS), through its Department of Legal Cooperation and the United States Department of Justice are organizing a cyber-crime workshop that will place in Lima, Peru on March 11 – 13, 2013.

The sub-regional event is directed at prosecutors and law enforcement officials from Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru, who will receive training with regard to international cybercrime standards and conventions, the legal resources available, investigation techniques related to international cooperation in the fight against cyber-crime, and international cooperation in cybercrime investigations.

This workshop is part of a series of events that have been held since 2004, in fulfillment of the recommendations adopted by the Working Group on Cyber-crime of the REMJA process (Meetings of Ministers of Justice or Other Ministers or Attorneys General of the Americas).

For more information visit the Inter-American Cooperation Portal on Cyber-Crime.

WHAT: Cyber-crime Training Workshop

WHEN: March 11-13, 2013

WHERE: Hotel Los Delfines, Lima, Peru

Reference: AVI-060/13