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Saint Lucia Joins the OAS Anti-Corruption Mechanism

  April 3, 2018

Saint Lucia Joins the OAS Anti-Corruption Mechanism
Photo: OAS

The Permanent Representative of Saint Lucia to the Organization of American States, Anton Edmunds, today signed the Declaration of the Document of Buenos Aires, formalizing the country's integration into Mechanism for Follow-Up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (MESICIC) of the OAS.

With the signing of Saint Lucia, 33 of the 34 States Parties to the OAS Anti-Corruption Convention have joined the MESICIC. The MESICIC is an intergovernmental body that uses a mechanism of peer review, with ample opportunities for the participation of civil society and that supports the States parties in the implementation of the Convention.

The Secretary for Legal Affairs of the OAS, Jean Michel Arrighi, and Director of the Department of Legal Cooperation, which serves as Technical Secretariat of the MESICIC, Jorge García González, also participated in the ceremony.

Reference: FNE-93756