Media Center



  June 4, 2002

The nations of the Americas have pledged to help Venezuela consolidate its democracy, with the Foreign Affairs Ministers of Organization of American States (OAS) member states passing a declaration stating their readiness to do so. The declaration was adopted in Barbados today by the 34 OAS member countries, prior to the close of the three-day 32nd General Assembly session.

In the four-point declaration, the nations agreed to provide the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela the support it needs to consolidate its democratic process. The delegations also agreed to “continue applying, without distinction, and in strict accordance with the letter and spirit of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, the mechanisms provided for in the Inter-American Democratic Charter for the preservation and defense of representative democracy, reiterating the rejection of the use of violence to replace any democratic government in the Hemisphere.”

Venezuela’s decision to set up a Truth Commission to investigate the events of April 11 to 14, 2002, was also applauded in the declaration.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Roy Chaderton Matos hailed the declaration, sponsored by his government, as “a clear support to Venezuelan democracy: a recognition of the disruption of democracy through an act of coup d’état, which temporarily destroyed the Constitution and hindered President Hugo Chávez Frías’ efforts to spur national dialogue and reconciliation among Venezuelans.”

Ambassador Roger Noriega, the U.S. Permanent Representative to the OAS, noted that the Organization remains engaged with Venezuela in its difficult moment, and urged the Venezuelan people and government to reach out to the OAS, which, he said, “has opened the toolbox of the Democratic Charter to help reinforce Venezuelan democracy.”

Reference: GA-008