Media Center

Press Release


  December 19, 2002

Guatemala today signed the Inter-American Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, an Organization of American States (OAS) treaty—the 18th member state to do so.

Foreign Affairs Minister, Edgar Armando Gutiérrez, signed the treaty during a ceremony with Assistant Secretary General Luigi Einaudi, at OAS Headquarter, saying his government hopes to be able to ratify soon. “My presence here is an expression of my government’s commitment to and belief in multilateralism and that the countries of this Hemisphere should confront common challenges through joint effort.”

He said Guatemala signed the Convention, “convinced that it will help strengthen our institutions,” stressing that in order to tackle rising transnational crime, “international instruments that facilitate efficient, effective and expeditious law enforcement are crucial.” The Guatemalan Foreign Minister argued as well that “strengthening the justice system is indispensable to the rule of law in the countries of the Americas.”

The Assistant Secretary General hailed Guatemala’s signing as a demonstration of commitment to the drive to combat crime and impunity, explaining that the treaty provides for more expeditious information sharing, among other things. “It is also an instrument to harmonize the Hemisphere’s existing legal systems based on respect for domestic laws and for the adoption of common rules.”

The Inter-American Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters was adopted at the OAS General Assembly in The Bahamas, in 1992. It entered into force April 14, 1996, and eight member states have ratified it thus far.

The video from the today’s signing ceremony can be viewed on the OAS website, at

Reference: E-250/02