Media Center

Press Release


  December 12, 2002

Hailing Canada's entry Thursday as a member of the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB), Ambassador Paul Durand described the move as a significant step" in Canada's participation in hemispheric security.

"We believe that the IADB has played a very useful role, and that it can be an effective instrument of peace and security in our region," said Ambassador Durand, the Canadian Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States (OAS), during a ceremony at which the Canadian flag was unfurled at the Defense Board's Washington headquarters. He expressed appreciation to IADB Chairman, Major General Carl H. Freeman, for his support in moving the membership forward. The Ambassador pledged Canada will be "a hard-working, loyal member."

The Canadian envoy went on to state: "We stand at an important juncture in our time - 14 months after the world was thrust into a new security paradigm, and just 6 months before the Special Conference on Hemispheric Security, which will be held next May in Mexico."

He cited that upcoming hemispheric security gathering as a "historic opportunity to address the new threats before us, and re-configure the security architecture of our region."

Canada will be represented on the board by Rear Admiral Ian Mack, Chief of Defense Liaison with the Canadian Embassy in Washington.

An international defense and security body that promotes cooperative security interests in the Western Hemisphere, the Inter-American Defense Board works on such issues as humanitarian de-mining, disaster assistance and confidence building measures directly supporting the hemispheric security goals of the OAS and the Hemisphere's Ministers of Defense. The Board also provides a senior-level academic program in security studies for military, national police and civilian leaders at the Inter-American Defense College (IADC).

Reference: E-245/02