Media Center

Press Release


  November 13, 2002

The Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE)), an Organization of American States (OAS) body, will be holding its Third Regular Meeting in San Salvador, El Salvador, from January 22 to 24 next year.

El Salvador’s Permanent Mission to the OAS signed the agreement with the Organization’s Secretariat Wednesday, with Salvadorian Ambassador Margarita Escobar, stressing that “terrorism is a new threat that seriously affects such values as freedom, democracy, protection of human rights and social development that we in the Americas hold dear.”

Ambassador Escobar said her country views the fight against terrorism neither as a unilateral issue nor as one that can be undertaken alone. To the contrary, she explained, “It is a threat that, as reality bears out, calls for firm cooperation by all OAS member states.”

Renewing El Salvador’s commitment to continue actively supporting a hemispheric security framework that is multidimensional in focus, she said the upcoming meeting would be examining in depth the scope of the Inter-American Convention against Terrorism, adopted in Barbados last June.

OAS Assistant Secretary General Luigi Einaudi commended “El Salvador’s firm commitment to hemispheric security and to fighting terrorism,” recalling as well that the Central American country was among the original signatories to the hemispheric anti-terrorism treaty.

Pointing to the drastic shift in approach to international terrorism since September 11 last year, Ambassador Einaudi recalled that the subcommittee drawing up the CICTE work plan “had the crucial and urgent task of coordinating national, bilateral and multilateral anti-terrorism efforts.” He added: “El Salvador’s offer to host CICTE’s Third Regular Meeting reaffirms that country’s unwavering commitment to combating terrorism and to promoting new legal mechanisms as well as regional cooperation in this area.”

Reference: E-223/02