Media Center

Press Release


  November 1, 2002

The Organization of American States will be sending a team of observers to the November 17 regional and municipal elections in Peru. The President of Peru's Council of Ministers, Luis Solari, and OAS Assistant Secretary General Luigi Einaudi today signed an agreement to that effect.

The Peruvian Prime Minister said that by calling regional elections, President Alejandro Toledo "is seeking to return Peruvians to the path from which they had been kept for many years—outside of the decision-making process." He said through the electoral process his country wanted to "show the world it is possible to bring about a new society, where exclusion can really be a thing of the past and the nation's economic history and productive sectors changed through a national collaborative effort."

The Peruvian official touched as well on the experience of the OAS-mediated dialogue, saying "it had built a discussion framework for national accord." He said this now gives Peru a permanent meeting place for all sectors of society—on the basis of coexistence, dialogue and cooperation.

The OAS Assistant Secretary General argued that for the Organization, "assisting in Peru's democratization process has been a significant experience." He acknowledged as well Peru's important role in drafting the Inter-American Democratic Charter.

Einaudi described the impending regional and municipal elections as signaling "another step forward in Peru's democratization process," hailing that country's "fundamental interest in decentralizing its political processes" an interest he stressed as "fully shared by the OAS."

Diego Paz Bustamante, Principal Specialist with the OAS Unit for the Promotion of Democracy, will lead the Electoral Observation Mission, whose more than twenty international monitors will work from bases in the cities of Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cusco, Huancayo, Iquitos, Piura and Trujillo, as well as headquarters in Lima.

Reference: E-218/02