Media Center

Press Release


  June 20, 2002

Nicaragua today contributed $3,000 to the Organization of American States (OAS) Fund for Peace, set up to support efforts at peaceful settlement of territorial conflicts involving member countries.

Ambassador Lombardo Martínez, Nicaragua's Permanent Representative, presented the donation to Assistant Secretary General Luigi Einaudi at OAS Headquarters, saying it "symbolizes the great confidence the Nicaraguan government and people have in your negotiating skills."

The Ambassador praised the Assistant Secretary General’s constant effort to find a peaceful settlement to conflicts that invariably arise between states. Ambassador Martínez said President Enrique Bolaños was "fully committed to the values and principles the inter-American system represents."

Einaudi thanked the Nicaraguan government, noting that periodic differences between countries are inevitable and the OAS therefore needs human and material resources to help settle those conflicts. "What is not inevitable is for the affected countries themselves to be involved in the quest for peace and for peaceful settlement," he stated.

Several OAS member- and observer countries have so far contributed money, equipment and experts to the Voluntary Fund that is being used to support initiatives to peacefully resolve the differences between Belize and Guatemala and between Honduras and Nicaragua.

Reference: E-119/02