
Case Digest: Evidential Issues in Trafficking in Persons Cases

Case Digest: Evidential Issues in Trafficking in Persons Cases

This Case Digest has analysed 135 cases of human trafficking from 31 jurisdictions. It benefited from the input from experts from all parts of the globe. It is hoped that criminal law and other practitioners may be able to learn from the actual cases which are presented, both by understanding that they are not alone in facing certain patterns and issues, and by deriving assistance from the tools that courts worldwide have developed. 

Get to Know Casa Alianza Mexico

Get to Know Casa Alianza Mexico

About Casa Alianza Mexico: For nearly 30 years, Casa Alianza Mexico has provided care and protection for boys and girls ages 12 to 18 who have experienced social abandonment, including abuse, neglect, violence, addiction, sexual exploitation and human trafficking. The rising tide of violence and instability in Mexico over recent years has made their work even more urgent, as has the ongoing influx of unaccompanied migrant children from Central America into Mexico.

Labor and Sex Trafficking Among Homeless Youth: A Ten-City Study Executive Summary

Labor and Sex Trafficking Among Homeless Youth: A Ten-City Study Executive Summary

People who are homeless, lack a support system, or are desperate for work are susceptible to the promises of people who would exploit them for labor and for sex. Recently, homeless youth providers in the United States and Canada have become aware that their clients are particularly at risk of trafficking, and research has begun to uncover the extent and contours of the problem within that community.

GLO.ACT: Special Edition Newsletter

Written by GLO.ACT of UNODC

GLO.ACT: Special Edition Newsletter

GLO.ACT works with 13 countries to plan and implement strategic national counter-trafficking and counter smuggling efforts through a prevention, protection, prosecution, and partnerships approach. We believe such an approach is best suited when addressing not only weaknesses in any criminal justice system but also when ensuring that adequate assistance and support programmes are put in place for victims of trafficking and vulnerable migrants.

Testimonios de las Sobrevivientes de Trata de Personas: Brecha Entre las Necesidades de Atención y los Servicios Recibidos Después del Rescate

Testimonios de las Sobrevivientes de Trata de Personas: Brecha Entre las Necesidades de Atención y los Servicios Recibidos Después del Rescate

A modo de conclusión puede señalarse que las víctimas sobrevivientes del delito de trata de personas requieren de espacios adecuados para ser escuchadas que les permitan participar sin estigmas en la construcción de políticas públicas, en los asuntos que les afectan. En este sentido, las políticas públicas de la región deben incorporar espacios de monitoreo que recojan los testimonios directos de las víctimas y evalúen en particular los servicios disponibles para su protección y asistencia, como parte de sus estrategias y/o planes nacionales de combate anti-trata.