
3 Plan de Trabajo sobre la Trata de Personas (2023-2028)

Asamblea General de la OEA aprobó un plan de trabajo con principios y objetivos a ser trabajados hasta 2028

  • 25 julio 2023
  • Ingresado por: Anna Uchoa
  • Visto: 2207
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3 Plan de Trabajo sobre la Trata de Personas (2023-2028)

3er Plan de Trabajo sobre la Trata de Personas (2023-2028) define los objetivos, principios y directrices para el trabajo en las áreas de prevención, combate y sanción, asistencia y protección a victimas y sobrevivientes, información y conocimiento y cooperación en materia de trata de personas. 

Acceda al 3er Plan de Trabajo en las versiones inglés, español, portugués y francés. 


3rd Work Plan on Trafficking in Persons (2023-2028) defines the objectives, principles and guidelines for work in the areas of prevention, combat and punishment, assistance and protection to victims and survivors, information and knowledge and cooperation on trafficking in persons.

Access the 3rd Work Plan in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.

Hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity: an overview of global trends and prevention modalities

Executive summary by the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime about hate crimes that targets individuals based on their actual or perceived race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, origin, social status and political affiliation

  • 6 abril 2021
  • Ingresado por: Anna Uchoa
  • Visto: 3393
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Hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity: an overview of global trends and prevention modalities

HATE CRIME: an evolving concept

This report aims to bridge this significant gap in existing research: what is actually known about hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity? Empirical research on this type of crime is limited, mostly due to the lack of statistical data from criminal justice systems, which limits understanding of the phenomenon. The hurdles encountered when reporting hate crimes, such as the lack of community trust in justice systems or the prejudices held by official authorities, represent major obstacles to establishing a comprehensive overview of the violence and discrimination experienced by sexual and gender minority communities. This lack of recognition demonstrates the importance of anchoring the report in the realities experienced by LGBTQ+ people. Initial research revealed that hate crimes against LGBTQ+ people were not sufficiently documented in order to conduct an adequate literature review. As a result, the focus shifted from all forms of hate crimes to two specific types of victimization: those based on gender identity and on sexual orientation

Behind the numbers: ending school violence and bullying

School-related violence is an infringement of children’s and adolescents’ rights to education and well-being. No country can achieve inclusive and equitable quality education for all if learners experience violence and bullying in school

  • 24 marzo 2021
  • Ingresado por: Anna Uchoa
  • Visto: 1922
  • 0 Comentarios
Behind the numbers: ending school violence and bullying

This UNESCO publication provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of global and regional prevalence and trends related to school-related violence and examines the nature and impact of school violence and bullying. It reviews national responses, focusing on countries that have seen positive trends in prevalence and identifies factors that have contributed to an effective response to school violence and bullying.

Save the Children | Violencia contra Adolescentes en América Latina y el Caribe

Save the Children |  Violencia contra Adolescentes en América Latina y el Caribe

América Latina y el Caribe enfrenta altos niveles de violencia contra niños, niñas y adolescentes. En los últimos años, ha habido un pico de violencia que afecta a los niños y niñas de manera diferenciada según su género. Muchos adolescentes son víctimas de homicidio, a menudo relacionado con actividades de pandillas y migración forzada no acompañada. Las niñas pueden ser víctimas de violencia y explotación sexual, usualmente en un contexto de trata de personas.

Las consecuencias físicas y psicológicas de dicha violencia son serias: afecta el bienestar de los niños, niñas y adolescentes, impide el cumplimiento de sus derechos y obstaculiza el desarrollo económico. Save the Children en América Latina y El Caribe trabaja para asegurar que todos los niños, niñas y adolescentes estén protegidos de todas las formas de violencia a través de la promoción y adopción de técnicas de disciplina positiva, prevención de la violencia sexual, el empoderamiento de niños y niñas para que sus voces sean escuchadas, y el fortalecimiento de los sistemas de protección.

The Wilson Center | Visualizing the Scope and Scale of Femicide in Latin America

The Wilson Center | Visualizing the Scope and Scale of Femicide in Latin America

Even before the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the home was a place of fear for many women and girls living in situations of violence. In Latin America, 70 percent of femicides occur in the victim’s home.

The quarantine and stay-at-home orders that governments adopted to address COVID-19 trapped many women with their abusers; evidence from early on in the pandemic reinforces the urgency of this issue. ORMUSA, or Organización de Mujeres Salvadoreña, in El Salvador reported 13 femicides in the first 6 weeks of quarantine between March 17 and April 29, 2020. In Argentina, 63 women and girls were killed because of their gender between March 20 and July 7. In the month of March 2020, 50 feminicides were recorded in just six states in Brazil. These statistics are alarming as the virus continues to spread across the Americas, raising fears that extended lockdowns will continue to exacerbate gender-based violence while governments struggle to address the twin public health crises.