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United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking - Annual Report 2016

  • 11 noviembre 2016
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 4707
  • 0 Comentarios
United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking - Annual Report 2016

This report provides actionable recommendations to the U.S. government for its work both nationally and internationally, as it collaborates with state and local governments, NGOs, faith-based organizations, community members, businesses, and philanthropists to further engage survivors to prevent human trafficking and engrain sur vivors as allies for lasting solutions to this heinous crime.

Preventing youth violence: an overview of the evidence

  • 11 noviembre 2016
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 5574
  • 0 Comentarios
Preventing youth violence: an overview of the evidence

Youth violence does not “just happen”. On the contrary, whether in the shape of bullying at school, alcohol-related violence in bars, clubs and private spaces, gang violence, or violence associated with the illegal drug trade, youth violence is often predictable and therefore preventable.

Violencia sexual en Latinoamérica y El Caribe: Análisis de datos secundarios

  • 11 noviembre 2016
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 4137
  • 0 Comentarios
Violencia sexual en Latinoamérica y El Caribe: Análisis de datos secundarios

La Organización Mundial de la Salud define la violencia sexual como “todo acto sexual, la tentativa de consumar un acto sexual, los comentarios o insinuaciones sexuales no deseados, o las acciones para comercializar o utilizar de cualquier otro modo la sexualidad de una persona mediante coacción por otra persona, independientemente de la relación de ésta con la víctima, en cualquier ámbito, incluidos el hogar y el lugar de trabajo”. (Jewkes et al., 2002).

Violence Prevention: The evidence

  • 8 noviembre 2016
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 4820
  • 0 Comentarios
Violence Prevention: The evidence

Violence prevention: the evidence is a set of seven briefings based on rigorous reviews of the literature which examines scientific evidence for the effectiveness of interventions to prevent interpersonal and self-directed violence.

Vade Mecum da Segurança Pública

  • 8 noviembre 2016
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 4717
  • 0 Comentarios
Vade Mecum da Segurança Pública

O Vade Mecum da Segurança Pública foi constituído para
ser um guia de consulta rápida com o registro das ações realizadas,
nestes últimos anos, pela Secretaria Nacional de Segurança
Pública (SENASP) do Ministério da Justiça e que sistematiza as
principais políticas de Estado para o setor.
