
The Gleaner: Puppet Pals – Crawford-Brown Pushing Play Therapy for Traumatized Children

The Gleaner: Puppet Pals – Crawford-Brown Pushing Play Therapy for Traumatized Children

Dr. Claudette Crawford-Brown, a senior lecturer at the University of the West Indies in the Department of Sociology, Psychology and Social Work, has decades of experience working with trauma­tized­­ children. Along with her colleagues, she has used play therapy to help children with issues ranging from bullying, migration, and human trafficking.

U.S. Institute of Peace: Preventing Conflict to Create Pathways for Peace

U.S. Institute of Peace: Preventing Conflict to Create Pathways for Peace

The United States Institute of Peace put together a panel of specialists from the World Bank Group, United Nations, USAID, the U.S. Institute of Peace and the Minister of Women and Human Rights Development of Somalia to discuss how diplomacy, defense and development can collaborate to keep conflicts from becoming violent. Rising conflicts, including trafficking and organized crime, cross international borders. One of the speakers stated that it is difficult to find a conflict that was not started as a form of grievance and exclusion. Therefore, it was determined that grievances must be addressed to prevent and reduce conflict by focusing on marginalized areas and addressing exclusion; targeting issues of power, natural resources, security and justice; and reinforcing participation and opportunities for decision making. Key recommendations were to be inclusive of women and youth’s aspirations, respond to needs in a collaborative manner, and to look at the root cause of the issues.

UNICEF: Preventing violence through sport in El Salvador

UNICEF: Preventing violence through sport in El Salvador

UNICEF is working closely with the San Marcos Mayor’s Office in El Salvador in a comprehensive violence prevention strategy that includes child protection & development and educational workshops that teach families about non-violence. The program also provides scholarships for children’s school expenses. Children in the workshop can spend time with other children and boost their self-esteem, while parents can meet other parents.

E-Lecture on "Sport, violence and crime prevention"

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

  • 22 March 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1189
E-Lecture on "Sport, violence and crime prevention"
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime experts analyze in this E-lecture the impact of sports and sports events on citizens’ behavior. In economic, social and environmental conditions that lead to segregation and poverty sports work as a tool for integration and socialization, teaching those who take part of the game values such as humility, fair play and self-control. Sports events have also a positive impact on vulnerable communities as they can provide opportunities of employment and social cohesion through the encouragement of communal pride and camaraderie. Still, those same events can lead to violent situations due to the psychological effects of masses in individuals. It is necessary then a policing approach that focuses both on prevention and reaction, on transparency and inter-agency cooperation.

Unveiling a New Superpower

Susan Bissell | TEDxAmherst

  • 19 March 2018
  • Posted by: Nicolas Devia
  • Number of views: 1581
Unveiling a New Superpower
As progress is being made on improving the living conditions for children aged 0-5, the challenges they face in the next years represent a huge barrier for their free development. From domestic violence as a mean of parenting to child labor and forced recruitment, all forms of violence root in the normalization of violence. Implicit norms of behavior respected or tolerated by the society let crimes against children go unpunished, then a change in mentality is needed to transform this situation. By changing the material conditions of vulnerable communities it is possible to facilitate this change: supporting single parents with the care of their children, empowering young leaders to educate their neighborhoods and gathering up-to-date data on the issue are all effective strategies to end violence against children. Susan Bissell has developed six (6) strategies throughout her experience all over the globe that tackle the issue in a comprehensive manner.