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One in Four Condone Spousal Violence, Though Attitudes Vary across Countries and Individuals in the Americas

One in Four Condone Spousal Violence, Though Attitudes Vary across Countries and Individuals in the Americas

This Insights report examines norms regarding domestic violence against women by analyzing survey responses from 16 countries within the 2014/15 round of LAPOP’s AmericasBarometer survey.

Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean

Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean

This report describes the nature and scope of the problem of trafficking in persons in Latin America and the Caribbean. It then describes U.S. efforts to deal with trafficking in persons in the region and discusses recent country and regional anti-trafficking efforts. The report concludes by raising issues that may be helpful for Congress to consider as it continues to address human trafficking as part of its authorization, appropriations, and oversight activities.

Argentina: Encuesta Nacional de Victimización 2017

Argentina: Encuesta Nacional de Victimización 2017

El Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INDEC), en tanto órgano rector de las estadísticas oficiales de acuerdo a la Ley 17.622, ha brindado su colaboración al Ministerio de Seguridad de la Nación (MSN) a través de la Dirección Nacional de Estadísticas de Condiciones de Vida para implementar un estudio poblacional sobre victimización. La Encuesta Nacional de Victimización (ENV) 2017 se realizó en las localidades urbanas de 5.000 y más habitantes de todo el territorio nacional entre los meses de marzo y junio de 2017, período durante el cual se visitaron más de 46.000 viviendas particulares. El operativo de campo se realizó entre los meses de marzo y junio del corriente año.

A Mobile Information System Based on Crowd-Sensed and Official Crime Data for Finding Safe Routes: A Case Study of Mexico City

A Mobile Information System Based on Crowd-Sensed and Official Crime Data for Finding Safe Routes: A Case Study of Mexico City

In this paper, an approach to provide estimations defined by crime rates for generating safe routes in mobile devices is proposed. It consists of integrating crowd-sensed and official crime data with a mobile application. The novelty is a hybrid approach based on semantic processing to retrieve relevant data from unstructured data sources and a classifier algorithm to collect relevant crime data from official government reports with a mobile application.

Impact Evaluation of USAID’s Community-Based Crime and Violence Prevention Approach in Central America

Impact Evaluation of USAID’s Community-Based Crime and Violence Prevention Approach in Central America

This evaluation is part of a broader effort to determine the effectiveness of community-based crime prevention, in contrast to the traditionally more common law enforcement, or mano dura (“iron fist”), approach to addressing the widespread crime and violence permeating Central America. The crime prevention approach attempts to address the root causes of crime, rather than deal with crime after it has become endemic. 
