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How musical training affects cognitive development: rhythm, reward and other modulating variables

  • 15 noviembre 2016
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 5588
  • 0 Comentarios
How musical training affects cognitive development: rhythm, reward and other modulating variables

Musical training has recently gained additional interest in education as increasing neuroscientific research demonstrates its positive effects on brain development. Neuroimaging revealed plastic changes in the brains of adult musicians but it is still unclear to what extent they are the product of intensive music training rather than of other factors, such as preexisting biological markers of musicality. In this review, we synthesize a large body of studies demonstrating that benefits of musical training extend beyond the skills it directly aims to train and last well into adulthood.

Towards a neural basis of music-evoked emotions

  • 15 noviembre 2016
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 5064
  • 0 Comentarios
Towards a neural basis of music-evoked emotions
Music is capable of evoking exceptionally strong emotions and of reliably affecting the mood of individuals. Functional neuroimaging and lesion studies show that music-evoked emotions can modulate activity in virtually all limbic and paralimbic brain structures.

Extended music education enhances the quality of school life

  • 14 noviembre 2016
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 4851
  • 0 Comentarios
Extended music education enhances the quality of school life
The claim of whether music education can create social benefits in the school environment was tested in 10 Finnish schools with an extended music curricular class and control classes. The quality of school life (QSL) was assessed by a representative sample (N735) of pupils at years 3 and 6 (9- and 12-years-olds). The results showed that extended music education enhances the QSL, particularly in areas related to general satisfaction about the school and a sense of achievement and opportunity for students.

European Crime Prevention Network

  • 14 noviembre 2016
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 6020
  • 0 Comentarios
European Crime Prevention Network
This paper explores theoretical frameworks used for understanding the relationship between leisure activities and the prevention of youth crime. It is examined whether scientific research has yielded empirical support for these theoretical perspectives.

Introductory Handbook on the Prevention of Recidivism and the Social Reintegration of Offenders

  • 14 noviembre 2016
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 5124
  • 0 Comentarios
Introductory Handbook on the Prevention of Recidivism and the Social Reintegration of Offenders
The present Introductory Handbook on the Prevention of Recidivism and the Social Reintegration of Offenders is part of a series of practical tools developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to support countries in preventing crime, implementing criminal justice reforms and strengthening the rule of law.