- English
- Español
AICD/JD/INF.49/18: Academic Scholarships awarded from year 2016
to November 19, 2018
English - Español
AICD/JD/INF.48/18: Table on Scholarships and Training Program
(STP), Execution, 2013 - 2018
English - Español
AICD/JD/INF.47/18: Note from the Permanent Mission of the
Argentine Republic, Announcing the Principal Representative and Alternate
Representatives to the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development
English - Español
AICD/JD/INF.46/18: Proposed table of the balance of the
Development Cooperation Fund of the OAS (DCF-OAS) (Prepared by the Chair of the
Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development, and discussed with some
delegations of the member states) (February 28, 2018)
English - Español
AICD/JD/INF.45/18: Note from the Delegation of the Bahamas
Advising of the Candidacy of Dr. Nicola Virgill-Rolle for the vacancy of
Vice-Chair of the Management Board of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation
and Development
English - Español
AICD/JD/INF.44/18: Note from the Permanent Mission of Mexico
Announcing that Mr. Jesús Schucry Giacoman Zapata will continue to serve as
Principal Representative and as Chair of the Management Board of the
Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD), until the end of
his term
English - Español