Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD)

Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD)

Another one of the subsidiary organs established by CIDI is the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development which is composed of the Management Board and the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development. The principal purpose is to promote, coordinate, manage, and facilitate the planning and execution of programs, projects, and activities, "partnership for development activities", within the scope of the OAS Charter and, in particular, the framework of the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Development of CIDI or the "Strategic Plan".

The General Director of the IACD shall be the Executive Secretary for Integral Development, who will serve a term of office for four years, which may be renewed once.

For more information on the functions of the Agency, please consult the Statues of the IACD.

Documents of the Management Board of the IACD

The Management Board of IACD

The Management Board is the representative body of the Member States established to promote greater efficiency in the management of partnership for development activities and strengthen the Organizations capacity to benefit from expertise in development cooperation and to attract contributions of technical support and other resources from Member States, other states, and public and private organizations.

The Management Board of the IACD consists of nine (9) Member States of the OAS elected by CIDI at their annual meeting. Each Member State of the Management Board will have the right to one vote and shall designate a representative to serve for two years. For more information on the rules of membership and the functions of the Management Board, please consult the Rules of Procedure for the Management Board.

Current Members of the Management Board:

Chair (2023-2024): Ambassador Luz Elena Baños Rivas, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the OAS  (Elected on February 15, 2024) (2024-2025 - The Chair will remain in this position until the 2025 General Assembly is held, in accordance with decision AICD/JD/DE-124, taken by the Management Board on July 9, 2024)
Vice Chair (2023-2024): Omari Seitu Williams, Minister Counselor, Deputy Permanent Representative and Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Relected on February 15 2024) (2024-2025 - The Vice Chair will remain in this position until the 2025 General Assembly is held, in accordance with decision AICD/JD/DE-124, taken by the Management Board on July 9, 2024)

Prior Authorities and members of the Management Board

Member State Term
Argentina 2024-2026
Brazil 2024-2026
El Salvador 2023-2025
Guatemala 2024-2026
Mexico 2024-2026
Panama 2023-2025
Saint Lucia 2023-2025
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2024-2026
United States 2023-2025