SEDI - DEC - Department of Education and Culture of the OAS
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Organization of American States
Executive Secretariat for Integral Development
SEDI - DEC - Department of Education and Culture of the OAS
Untitled Document

Estrategy and Objectives

This initiative seeks to identify, systematically organize, and share consolidated experiences in the Americas among OAS Member States. Simultaneously, it seeks to advise, accompany and virtually connect these countries as they attempt to critically transfer the experiences to their own contexts. At present the four main areas of focus are:

1. Programs focusing on improving Equity with Quality

2. Programs seeking to strengthen Secondary Education and Workforce Preparation

3. Programs seeking to improve Teacher Quality through Professional Development

4. Programs seeking to develop Democratic Practices and Values

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©2006 Organización de los Estados Americanos. Derechos Reservados. Descargo
Preparada y mantenida por DDSE
Diseño: Claudia Saidon. Para sugerencias, comentarios y correciones: [email protected]

Ojo de Horus - Diseño Gráfico - Multimedia

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  • Portafolio de Programas Consolidados en el Area de Trabajo

  • Portafolio de Programas Consolidades en el Area de Educación

  • Mejores prácticas en Desarrollo Social.
  • Experiencias de los Fondos de Inversión Social

    Estrategias y Programas para promover una Cultura Democrática a traves de la Educación