SEDI - DEC - Department of Education and Culture of the OAS
Untitled Document
Experts and Advisers
To ask for the advice of the Educo’s experts, write an e-mail indicating the subject and the person that you want to consult with, to Rosana Martinelli [email protected]
Dr. Rafael Guido Bejar
Ministry of Education of El Salvador
Dr. Carlos Briones
FLACSO - El Salvador
Dr. Ernesto Richter Escuela 10 Executive Project Coordinator
Ministry of Education of El Salvador
Lic. Lorena de Varela Escuela 10 Executive Project Manager
Ministry of Education of El Salvador
To ask for the advice of the Student Management’s experts, write an e-mail indicating the subject and the person that you want to consult with, to Rosana Martinelli [email protected]
Dr. Carlos Ornelas
Education and Comunication Professor of the autonomous Metropolitan University of México
Mtra . Sylvia Schmelkes
Bilingual Education’s Executive Coordinator of the Public Education’s Secretariat of México
Mtro. Edmundo Salas Garza
Executive Manager of Operation of Educational Services in the Federal District
Lic . Susana Justo Garza
Executive Manager of Educational Services of Iztapalapa
Dr. Etelvina Sandoval Flores
Executive Manager of Normal Education and Actualization Directora General de Educación Normal y Upgrade of the del Magisterio en el D.F.
Dr. Margarita Zorrilla Fierro
President of the Mexican Comitee for Educative Investigation
Dr. Particio Chávez Zaldumbide
Lic. Ana María Clement
Initial Education and Cycles 1 and 2 of elementary education Coordinator – Sub-Secretariat of Equality and Quality of the Ministery of Educatio, Science and Technology of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Judith Kalman
Main Researcher
Department of Educational Reseach
Center of Research and Advance Studies
Calzada Tenorios, #235. Col. Granjas Coapa, CP 14330
México, DF
E-mail: [email protected]
Jennie Ostrosky Shejet
Educative Projects Assistant director
Educative Computer Science Coordination
Latin-American Institute of the Educative Communication
Periférico Sur #4118 Torre Zafiro 1, 4o piso, Col. Jardines del Pedregal, CP 01900
México, DF
E-mail: [email protected]