- English
Second Meeting of the Working Groups of the XVII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor
April 16 - 18, 2013
On April 16, 2013, Commissioner Rose-Marie Antoine participated in a workshop in The Bahamas, in the context of the Second Meeting of the Working Groups of the XVII Inter-American Conferences of Ministers of Labor. The workshop was on the theme “The Situation of Vulnerable Groups in the Region as it Relates to their Access to the Labor Market.” Commissioner Antoine's presentation was part of a panel discussion. Participants in the workshop included labor ministers, other government officials, and consultative bodies like the International Labor Organizaton (ILO).
Regional Course on Indicators of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Social Policy
December 10-14, 2012
Commissioner Rose Marie Antoine was a distinguished panelist in the Regional Training Course on the “The use of economic, social and cultural rights indicators as a tool for an effective social policy”, with took place from December 10th to 14th 2012, in Montevideo, Uruguay. The Course was organized by the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Training Centre of the Spanish Cooperation Agency in Montevideo with support from the Uruguayan Ministry of Social Development, the Inter-American Human Rights Commission and the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights.
The course aimed to support the OAS Member States in the monitoring of economic, social and cultural rights instruments at the Inter-American system, as they are key elements of an effective social policy. In particular, the course emphasized the Protocol of San Salvador monitoring process, which is currently underway and States parties to it are to submit reports over the next two years in accordance with Article 19 of the Protocol.
The activities were run by distinguished speakers and lecturers from various international organizations and academic institutions, and the group of participants was composed of government officers from OAS member states with technical responsibilities for coordination of social policies and/or economic, social and cultural rights.