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Compendium of Regulatory and Legislative frameworks that address the Sexual Exploitation faced by Women in their Diversity and migrant children in Saint Lucia

  • 3 abril 2024
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 442
  • 0 Comentarios
Compendium of Regulatory and Legislative frameworks that address the Sexual Exploitation faced by Women in their Diversity and migrant children in Saint Lucia

This compendium of regulatory and legislative frameworks seeks to address the sexual exploitation experienced by women of all backgrounds and migrant children in Saint Lucia. The goal is to identify gaps and areas that need strengthening in these frameworks.

The document begins by outlining the Constitution of Saint Lucia and then discusses the international treaties ratified by Saint Lucia, which represent the State's commitments in various areas. It then introduces various instruments such as acts, codes, protocols, and public policy instruments. These are categorized into topics including gender-based violence, domestic violence, education, human trafficking and forced labor, sexual violence, child protection, labor, and migration.

País:Santa Lucía
Institución:Organization of American States

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Jane PiazerJane Piazer

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