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Public Perceptions in Latin America / IPSOS-World Vision

  • 29 enero 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 2464
  • 0 Comentarios

“VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN & CHILD PROTECTION SYSTEMS” is a report presented by IPSON and the NGO World Vision on the public perceptions of child violence in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its objective is to assess and measure public opinion and awareness to violence against children, as well as to identify the main sources of information adults use to inform themselves on the topic. In general, the report helps both the organizations (public and private) and the civil society to understand their own perceptions of causes and consequences of child violence. Overall, it shows that the region is less sensitive to violence against children that prior years. This could be the result of the mix of various myths and misconceptions adults have on the threats to children. The fact that public institutions are discredited and not trusted as guarantors of children’s rights plays also a role in the reduced interest of the region to this topic.