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Citizen Security in Latin America

Facts and Figures

Citizen Security in Latin America

Crime and victimization rates are growing in Latin America; however, 2017 data demonstrates some signs of improvement. One of the top concerns of people in Mexico, Central America, and South America is criminal violence, which will continue to rise unless preventative measures are taken. The approach and priorities of public security from the traditional law and order perspective have changed over the last two decades to include a more people-centered approach of safety and security.

Pathways for Peace

Inclusive Approaches to Preventing Violent Conflict

  • 30 mayo 2018
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 1369
  • 0 Comentarios
Pathways for Peace
The resurgence of violent conflict in recent years has caused immense human suffering, at enormous social and economic cost. Violent conflicts today have become complex and protracted, involving more non-state groups and regional and international actors, often linked to global challenges from climate change to transnational organized crime. It is increasingly recognized as an obstacle to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

"Line up, Live up" Trainer manual: Life skills training through sport to prevent crime, violence and drug use

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

  • 30 abril 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 3709
  • 0 Comentarios
"Line up, Live up" Trainer manual: Life skills training through sport to prevent crime, violence and drug use

This manual describes ten seminars oriented to provide at-risk youth with the knowledge needed to improve their life skills, perceptions of life as also those of society. It profits from the capacity that sports have to create a sense of support, belonging and loyalty which in turn encourage participants to collaborate, understand and tolerate individuals from different backgrounds. By changing mentalities through education, “Line up, Live up” builds on previous UN experiences in developing and implementing an evidence-based crime, violence and drug use prevention program. The seminars are designed to be accessible and easy to put into place as there’s no need for complex or expensive equipment. It is also desirable to include youth from all genders, sexual orientations, socio-economical backgrounds and cultures in order to create from the beginning an atmosphere of tolerance and empathy.

¿Qué hacer con la reincidencia delincuencial? El problema y sus posibles soluciones

Juan Carlos Garzón, Maria Victoria Llorente, Manuela Suárez

  • 20 abril 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 4451
  • 0 Comentarios
¿Qué hacer con la reincidencia delincuencial? El problema y sus posibles soluciones

Una de las razones por las cuales la sensación de inseguridad y la desconfianza en las instituciones se encuentran en un punto alto en la actualidad colombiana es la reincidencia delincuencial. En efecto, 21% de los criminales aprehendidos y judicializados reinciden en actividades criminales. Aún más alta sería dicha cifra si se considera la reincidencia de aquellos criminales que no fueron judicializados debido al gravemente alto nivel de impunidad (94% según datos de la Fiscalía General de la Nación). Completando un círculo vicioso, la desconfianza en las autoridades que lleva a la no-denuncia crea las condiciones que permiten continuar y aumentar dicha reincidencia. Siendo un punto neurálgico de discusión en la actual carrera presidencial colombiana, la Fundación Ideas para la Paz estudia el fenómeno y ofrece posibles soluciones para mitigar el flagelo.

Digitally Enhanced Violence Prevention in the Americas

Robert Muggah and Gustavo Diniz

  • 13 abril 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 1575
  • 0 Comentarios
Digitally Enhanced Violence Prevention in the Americas

The demographic composition and the steady economic growth in Latin America have led to broad access to internet and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s) in the region. Indeed, Latin America leads the way in the developing world on the percentage of the population connected to the Net. Nearly half of the population is connected and progress has been made to deliver 3G and 4G connections to marginalized areas. Governments, activists, citizens and international organizations have used this advantage to promote accountability and effectiveness in the policing effort. As citizens produce and consume more information in the internet, virtual communities and initiatives have been created to share experiences and data on crime and violence. However, these technologies have also been used by criminal organizations to broaden their influence and business. The present article looks to the characteristics of “digitally enhanced violence prevention” in the region using the cases of Brazil, Colombia and Mexico.
