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Let's treat violence like a contagious disease

Gary Slutkin

  • 2 febrero 2018
  • Ingresado por: Nicolas Devia
  • Visto: 1197
  • 0 Comentarios
In our approach to understanding reality, sometimes it is forgotten the fact that human beings act exactly as other types of life do on earth. Like viruses and bacteria, crime and violence follow the same dynamics and recognizable patterns that only experts on the matter could identify. Gary Slutkin brought all of his knowledge on epidemiology from his experiences on battling cholera, tuberculosis and AIDS in Africa to apply them in Chicago during the 90’s. By isolating individuals “infected” by violence (violent offenders) from society and treating them on reconciliation and reinsertion to society, the outbreak of violence in Chicago was able to be stopped. The effectiveness of the medical approach has been demonstrated over and over again when high infectious diseases are contained and eliminated, from SARS in the 2000's to the latest outbreak of Ebola in 2014, experts were able to keep societies safe from the diseases. If we treat violence like the disease that it is, we could be looking at the end of its outbreak.

8th Milestones of a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention Meeting

The 8th Milestones meeting is being generously hosted on behalf of WHO by the Canadian Government and the Public Health Agency of Canada. The meeting theme is Translating Sustainable Development Goal violence prevention targets into national and local action. Please see link below for the agenda. For plenary sessions, simultaneous translation for French and Spanish will be offered.

States of Fragility 2016 - Understanding Violence

  • 15 febrero 2017
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 5805
  • 0 Comentarios
States of Fragility 2016 - Understanding Violence
The world is getting more violent, and violence is occurring in surprising places. Over the past 15 years, 3.34 billion people, or almost half of the world’s population, have been affected by violence. The number of violent conflicts is decreasing, but conflicts are killing more people.

Belize Crime Observatory

  • 16 diciembre 2016
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 7145
  • 0 Comentarios
Belize Crime Observatory

The Belize Crime Observatory is an initiative that started in 2010 by the then Ministry of Police and Public Safety. This initiative continued under the Ministry of National Security and after a series of studies, meetings and partnership engagements, this initiative became a reality. This observatory on crime and violence, would take on the key functions of analyzing data provided by the police and other sources, applying this analysis to policy and program development, implementation, and monitoring. The observatory would also serve as a single unit that integrates technical knowledge about crime and violence issues, data management (conceptual and technological), policy requirements (national and international), and networking with other observatories and data systems (e.g. UNODC, OBSICA). In addition to making crime data available in an organized, regular manner, a key function of the observatory would be to disseminate analysis of this data. It would serve as a single point of contact for all requests on crime data – whether from Belizean stakeholders, other Government of Belize Ministries, project reporting requests, international data tracking, etc. These requests were handled in a case-by-case manner, which caused some delays and duplication.

OAS work in Trafficking in Persons

  • 25 noviembre 2016
  • Ingresado por: Jane Piazer
  • Visto: 6915
  • 0 Comentarios
OAS work in Trafficking in Persons

OAS Resolutions, Recommendations, Work Plans, and Documents against Trafficking in Persons