Foros Virtuales

Con el objetivo de aportar y enriquecer la conversación, la OEA organizará foros virtuales, en forma de mesas redondas y webinars, con participación de expertos y expertas de nivel internacional en todos los temas que el Portal propone para realizar en torno a ellos lluvias de ideas y debates inclusivos. En esta página encontrarás el calendario de próximos eventos y los videos de los evento ya realizados.

Response to COVID-19 Outbreak in the Region of the Americas

  • 16 marzo 2020
  • Visto: 0

PAHO has launched an Appeal to donors & partners to scale-up the capacity of the countries of the Americas to respond to COVID-19. The response strategy outlined in this Appeal has two main objectives: slow down the transmission of the virus and mitigate the health impact of COVID-19 in the Region.

An initial US$94.8 million are needed to support critical response efforts in countries most in need of help until September 2020. As this outbreak evolves, needs are likely to increase and the estimated financial requirements will be adjusted accordingly.

BCIE brinda donación de US$8 millones ante emergencia sanitaria en la región

  • 15 marzo 2020
  • Visto: 0

El Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (BCIE), otorgó una cooperación financiera no reembolsable por un monto de hasta US$8,000,000 millones de dólares distribuidos en US$1,000,000 a cada país centroamericano incluyendo a Belice para atender la emergencia sanitaria ante pandemia del coronavirus.

Migration Policy Practice

  • 1 marzo 2020
  • Visto: 0

A Bimonthly Journal for and by Policymakers Worldwide

How the World Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 (coronavirus)

  • 11 febrero 2020
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As countries around the world work to contain the spread and impact of COVID-19, the World Bank Group is moving quickly to provide fast, flexible responses to help developing countries strengthen their pandemic response and health care systems.

Supporting technology adoption through Sector Skills Councils

  • 9 diciembre 2019
  • Visto: 0

As the Fourth Industrial Revolution unfolds, companies have begun to harness new and emerging technologies to reach higher levels of efficiency of production and consumption, expand into new markets, and compete for a global consumer base. These changes are causing huge shifts in the existing skill requirements for workers; and the demand for higher cognitive, technological, social and emotional skills has increased as the demand for physical and manual skills declines. In this context, Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) facilitate the creation and deployment of industry upgrade strategies, laying out how to adapt to changes brought upon by technology. 
