Claudia González Bengoa

The Migration and Forced Displacement Section supports the efforts of OAS Member States in the development and implementation of policies, programs, projects and initiatives in the field of migration to promote the rights of migrants, refugees and displaced persons in the region. It is one of the Sections of the Department of Social Inclusion, of the Secretariat for Access to Rights and Equity (SARE).  

Its objective is to strengthen cooperation between countries of origin, transit, destination and return so that comprehensive responses are implemented to reduce and eliminate the causes of irregular migration, as well as the risks and violations to which migrants, refugees and displaced people are exposed.  

To meet this objective, the Section promotes political dialogue around the challenges and opportunities of migration, provides technical assistance for the definition of priorities and strategies in the area, supports Member States in the execution of projects and generates key knowledge to facilitate informed decision-making in the migration field.  

The DSI, through its Migration and Forced Displacement Section, together with UNHCR, executes the role of Technical Secretariat of the Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework (MIRPS, by its acronym in Spanish) and its Support Platform. The MIRPS is a pioneering initiative in the implementation of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework and a concrete contribution to the Global Compact on Refugees and its shared responsibility mechanisms in action, to address the large movements of people, protecting their dignity and human rights. Following the long tradition of regional cooperation in protection, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Panama have agreed to integrate the MIRPS. The MIRPS also has a Support Platform made up of States, financial institutions, the private sector, regional organizations and other interested parties.  

The DSI supports the work of the Technical Secretariat of the Committee on Migration Affairs (CAM) which is the specialized commission on migration within the scope of the OAS.  

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More Projects
Highlighted Projects, Programs and Initiatives
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Highlighted Publications
December, 2022
V Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework Annual Report (2022)
December, 2021
IV Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework Annual Report (2021)
December, 2020
III Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework Annual Report (2020)
December, 2019
II Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework Annual Report (2019)
December, 2018
Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework Annual Report (2018)
white cover with a map of Costa Rica formed by images of people
January, 2020
Costa Rica Report: Characterization and Analysis of Policies on International Migration and Refugees
This report is only available in Spanish
February, 2015
Third Report of the Continuous Reporting System on International Migration in the Americas (SICREMI)
February, 2023
Regional Handbook for Mainstreaming a Human Rights, Gender, and Intercultural Approach in the Work of Immigration and Border Security Authorities of the Americas
February, 2020
Education for immigrant girls, boys and young people in the Americas: current situation and challenges
Available only in Spanish
February, 2016
Irregular Migration Flows to the Americas from Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean
February, 2023
Executive Summary: Reception and Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Cities Across in the Americas
February, 2023
Reception and Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Cities Across in the Americas
February, 2010
Migration and Social Security in America
Available only in Spanish
February, 2025
Guide to Good Practices for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Children on the Move in the Americas
available in Spanish only