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Thematic Report on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples’ Right to Self-Determination
The purpose of this questionnaire is to request the information described below for the preparation of a thematic report by the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). As part of its function to promote and protect the human rights of indigenous peoples, the Office of the Rapporteur will prepare a report (Report) over the next few months on the right of indigenous and tribal peoples to self-determination.
The Report will analyze the international standards related to indigenous and tribal peoples’ right to self-determination and will expound on the characteristics and content of this right within the framework of the Inter-American Human Rights System (ISHR). The Report will also include a discussion on these peoples’ practices and experiences in exercising self-determination throughout the different countries of the Americas, and the obstacles and challenges in that regard. The different dimensions or manifestations of self-determination will be addressed, among which can be highlighted: the development of autonomy, self-government and indigenous justice administration systems; processes for the appointment and election of indigenous peoples' own authorities; the rights to their lands, territories and natural resources; and the rights to consultation and free, prior and informed consent regarding legislative and administrative measures or natural resource use or development projects that may affect them directly. Likewise, the Report will formulate recommendations to the States to guide their efforts in the recognition and implementation of this right.
The information gathered through this questionnaire will serve as a source for the preparation of said report. Therefore, the IACHR invites States, indigenous and tribal peoples and their representative organizations, and civil society organizations to provide information through this online questionnaire regarding the experiences, challenges, practices, legislation and jurisprudence in the different States of the Americas concerning the recognition and effective exercise of the right of indigenous and tribal peoples to self-determination.
This online questionnaire can be answered in whole or in part, depending on the information available. Research, reports, and other documents already prepared and/or published in an electronic format that are relevant to the topic can be attached. The questions are directed to indigenous peoples and organizations, States, civil society organizations, and other interested parties. However, please note that question II.A is specifically addressed to representative indigenous and tribal peoples and organizations. The deadline for the questionnaire is April 26, 2021.
The deadline for responses is extended until Sunday, May 16, 2021 at 11:59 PM .
On April 24, 2013, the Office of the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples published a questionnaire on the human rights situation of indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact in the Americas. The principal goal of the report will be to compile and analyze factual and legal information about indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact in the region, as well as make recommendations to the State about the courses of action that, according to international human rights law, should be followed in order to ensure the effective protection of the human rights of isolated peoples. The information received through this Questionnaire will be one of the primary sources for the preparation of that report. The original deadline to receive answers was May 24, 2013; however, the deadline has been extended until June 30, 2013. The answers to the questionnaire must be sent to [email protected] , and please write “Response Questionnaire Indigenous Peoples” in the subject of the message.
In 2009, the Office of the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples published a questionnaire for States, Indigeouns Peoples, Indigenous and Civil Society Organizations, regarding property rights of indigenous peoples over lands, territories and natural resources, rights which are of vital importance to the cultural and economic survival of these peoples in the region.