SEDI - DEC - Department of Education and Culture of the OAS
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Organization of American States
Executive Secretariat for Integral Development
SEDI - DEC - Department of Education and Culture of the OAS
Untitled Document

Plan of Action of the First Summit of the Americas

Untitled Document

Universal literacy and access to education at all levels, without distinction by race, national origin or gender, are an indispensable basis for sustainable social and cultural development, economic growth and democratic stability.

Governments will:

Guarantee universal access to quality primary education, working with public and private sectors and non-governmental actors, and with the support of multinational institutions. In particular, governments will seek to attain by the year 2010 a primary completion rate of 100 per cent and a secondary enrollment rate of at least 75 per cent, and to prepare programs to eradicate illiteracy, prevent truancy and improve human resources training.

Promote, with the support of international financial institutions and the private sector, worker professional training as well as adult education, incorporating efforts to make such education more relevant to the needs of the market and employers.

Improve human resources training, and technical, professional and teacher training, which are vital for the enhancement of quality and equity of education within the Hemisphere.

Increase access to and strengthen the quality of higher education and promote cooperation among such institutions in producing the scientific and technological knowledge that is necessary for sustainable development.

Support strategies to overcome nutritional deficiencies of primary school children in order to enhance their learning ability.

Support decentralization including assurance of adequate financing and broad participation by parents, educators, community leaders and government officials in education decision-making.

Review existing regional and hemispheric training programs and make them more responsive to current needs.

Create a hemispheric partnership, working through existing organizations, to provide a consultative forum for governments, non-governmental actors, the business community, donors, and international organizations to reform educational policies and focus resources more efficiently.

Urge the March 1995 World Summit for Social Development and the September 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women to address the issue of universal access to education.


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