The Convention and MESICIC

Inter-American Convention

Follow-Up Mechanism (MESICIC)


Legal Cooperation

 Tools by Topic
 Model Laws

Plan of Action Program

Hemispheric Conferences

Regional Meeting on Private Sector Responsibility
 Recovery of Assets

Collaboration with International Organizations

IV Summit of the Americas

The Fourth Summit of the Americas, held in Mar del Plata, Argentina November 4, 2005, culminated in the Declaration of Mar del Plata and the adoption of a corresponding Plan of Action. Below, are the portions of each document relating specifically to the fight against corruption:

Declaration of Mar del Plata (excerpt)

… Framework for Creating Decent Work

            55. We are committed to building a more solid and inclusive institutional framework, based  on the coordination of economic, labor, and social public policies to contribute to the generation of decent work, which must comprise:

            … d) A legal framework that upholds the rule of law, transparency, and access to justice;    reinforces impartiality and independence of judicial institutions; prevents and combats impunity         and corruption in both the public and the private spheres; and fights international crime;…

… Strengthening Democratic Governance

            66. Accountability is a key instrument to achieve transparency and efficiency in the use of          resources administered by our governments. Fighting corruption is a key aspect of strengthening        democracy and economic growth. For this reason, we call upon states to implement the Inter-     American Convention against Corruption and participate fully in the Follow-up Mechanism for the       Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption. We stress the importance             of the oversight role of legislatures, as appropriate, in the fight against corruption and the    importance of promoting inter-parliamentary exchanges to encourage the development of national     and international strategies to fight against corruption...

Plan of Action (excerpt)



                  64. To identify, before December 2006, specific initiatives for cooperation, and the exchange of experiences in the development of technical skills in our countries that contribute to the full application of the provisions of the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption, and the strengthening of its Implementation Follow-up Mechanism (MESICIC), giving special consideration to the recommendations to that effect arising from the first round of said Mechanism


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