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Summit of the Americas
The Summits of the Americas bring together the democratically elected Heads of State and Government of the Western Hemisphere to discuss common concerns, develop a shared vision for the future development of the region, and seek solutions to problems and challenges confronting their countries, be they economic, social or political in nature.
As a common experience of the American continent, commitment to migration issues has been affirmed and reaffirmed since the 2nd Summit of the Americas. Below are the commitments made by the Heads of State of the Americas to Migration:
5th Summit of the Americas, Trinidad, 2008
Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain
17. We reaffirm the importance of fully protecting the human rights of migrants, regardless of their immigration status, and observance of the labour laws applicable to them, including the
principles and labour rights embodied in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work.
4th Summit of the Americas, Argentina, 2005
26. We reaffirm that all migrants, regardless of their immigration status, should be accorded
the full protection of human rights and the full observance of labor laws applicable to
them, including the principles and labor rights embodied in the ILO Declaration on
Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998).
27. We will promote decent work for migrant workers in the context of the Declaration of
Nuevo León and encourage support for the Inter-American Program adopted by the
General Assembly in resolution AG/RES. 2141 (XXXV-O/05). Likewise, the state parties
to the International Convention on the Protection of the Human Rights of All Migrant
Workers and Members of their Families reiterate the importance of its full implementation
by the parties.
28. We call for an increase in inter-American cooperation and dialogue to reduce and
discourage undocumented migration as well as to promote migration processes in
accordance with the national legal system of each State and applicable international
human rights law. We commit to dialogue in order to reduce the cost and facilitate
remittances and to increase efforts to combat smuggling of migrants and trafficking in
persons, in keeping with international instruments of human rights; to provide for the
dignified, orderly, and safe return of migrants, and to invite states to exchange best
practices on establishing bilateral programs for migrant workers.
29. We will spare no effort to achieve the immediate and complete abolition of forced or
compulsory labor in the Americas. We are convinced that it will be a fundamental
contribution to achieving the objectives of sustainable growth.
3rd Summit of the Americas, Canada, 2001
We recognize the cultural and economic contributions made by migrants to receiving
societies as well as to their communities of origin. We are committed to ensuring
dignified, humane treatment with appropriate legal protections, defense of human rights,
and safe and healthy labor conditions for migrants. We will strengthen mechanisms for
hemispheric cooperation to address the legitimate needs of migrants and take effective
measures against trafficking in human beings.
2nd Summit of the Americas, Chile, 1998
We will make a special effort to guarantee the human rights of all migrants, including migrant workers and their families.
In 2012, the Sixth Summit of the Americas will be hosted by the Government of Colombia in Cartagena.
To find out more about the Summit Process, please click here.