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Presentation of the Social Charter of the Americas
Fecha: junho 4, 2012
Fotos: Patricia Leiva/OAS
Official Photo of the OAS General Assembly
Fecha: junho 4, 2012
Fotos: Patricia Leiva/OAS
Secretary General Meets with Foreign Minister of Colombia
Fecha: junho 4, 2012
Fotos: Juan Manuel Herrera/OAS
First Plenary Session of the General Assembly
Fecha: junho 4, 2012
Fotos: Juan Manuel Herrera/OAS
Breakfast Meeting of the Secretary General and CARICOM Ambassadors
Fecha: junho 4, 2012
Fotos: Patricia Leiva/OAS
Inauguration of 42nd General Assembly
Fecha: junho 3, 2012
Fotos: Juan Manuel Herrera/OAS
Secretary General Meets with Bolivian President Evo Morales
Fecha: junho 3, 2012
Fotos: Patricia Leiva/OAS
Secretary General Meets with U.S. Under Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs
Fecha: junho 3, 2012
Fotos: Juan Manuel Herrera/OAS
Secretary General Meets with Foreign Minister of Peru
Fecha: junho 3, 2012
Fotos: Juan Manuel Herrera/OAS
Luncheon for Secretary General, Assistant Secretary General, Heads of Delegation and Permanent Observers
Fecha: junho 3, 2012
Fotos: Juan Manuel Herrera/OAS
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