Inter-American Justice Events
Consulta con personas expertas “Priorización de peticiones y casos en la CIDH”
El objetivo de la consulta es revisar y discutir en una mesa de diálogo los puntos principales de los criterios de priorización con personas expertas, a fin de recibir sus recomendaciones y retroalimentación. Se contó también con la participación de la Clínica Internacional de Derechos Humanos de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Harvard que realizó un estudio independiente de experiencias comparadas en materia de priorización.
Participaron en la consulta:
Panel "Comparative Experience on Case Prioritization at the ECHR" a cargo de Klaudiusz Ryngielewicz, Head of the Working Methods Committee of the European Court of Human Rights
Consulta regional con Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil “Priorización de peticiones y casos en la CIDH”
El objetivo de este espacio es obtener insumos que permitan a la Comisión, a partir de la experiencia técnico-práctica de las organizaciones, diseñar criterios de priorización de peticiones y casos para lograr una justicia más oportuna que atienda a las necesidades de la región. El encuentro contó con la participación de más de 40 personas provenientes de 20 OSC de Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Perú y Venezuela, donantes, personal de la Secretaría Ejecutiva y personas comisionadas de la CIDH.
Access to Inter-American Justice at the IACHR
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (hereinafter "the Inter-American Commission", "the Commission" or "the IACHR") invites academia, donors, specialists, States, national human rights institutions, international organizations, human rights organizations, civil society organizations, and users, in general, to respond to the questionnaire on "Access to Inter-American Justice at the IACHR".
Panel: Use of technologies for an efficient and timely justice system
The panel "Use of technologies for efficient and timely justice" will bring together experts in the field of law and technologies in a virtual space to learn about the challenges, best practices and solutions that the use of technologies and artificial intelligence offer for the systematization, automation and prediction of cases.
The panel will be held on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 10:00am (EST) at Zoom and will be broadcast on the IACHR's official social networks.
Inaugural Forum: Access to Inter-American Justice
The forum inaugurates the "Cycle of events: reflections and experiences for timely justice in the IACHR" which consists of a series of panels with comparative perspectives at the national and international level on the realities, challenges, and good practices in access to justice.
This series of events is carried out within the framework of the objective and program of the Strategic Plan 2023-2027, which seeks to increase access to inter-American justice and aims to identify, reflect on and analyze experiences that contribute to the achievement of this objective.
The High-Level Forum will be held during the 187th Period of Sessions. The panelists will address issues related to the strategies that have been adopted to make the process of deciding cases more efficient in order to achieve more timely justice.
Aimed at: representatives of OAS Member States, academia, civil society, and interested members of the general public.
The Forum will be interpreted in English and Spanish and broadcast live on the IACHR's social networks.