SEDI - DEC - Department of Education and Culture of the OAS
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Organization of American States
Executive Secretariat for Integral Development
SEDI - DEC - Department of Education and Culture of the OAS
Untitled Document

Chronology and Documents

LINEA-CULT I Cumbre de Miami III Cumbre de Quebec Cumbre Extraordinaria de Monterrey II Cumbre de Santiago I Reunión de Ministros de Educación II Reunión de Ministros de Educación III Reunión de Ministros de Educación I Reunión de la Comisión Interamericana de Educación II Reunión de la Comisión Interamericana de Educación Educación para todos, Dakar

(Select an event from the timeline)

Second Americas’ Summit. Santiago, Chile 1998

The main goals establish in the Second Americas’ Summit consist in assuring, until the year 2010, that the 100% of the minor will have access to the quality primary education and that, al least, the 75% of the youths have access to the secondary education, with higher and higher percentages of youths that will finish their secondary studies; and to offer educational opportunities to the general population. The Governments propose themselves to make compensatory educational politics for the more vulnerable groups, to evaluate the quality of the education through indicators, to develop valorization and professionalization programs for teachers and education’s administrators, to reinforce the education management and the institutional capacity. To strength the formation, education and capacity for the workers considering the adoption of new technologies. To establish, according their legislation, educative strategies directed to the multicultural societies. Incorporate the education, the democratic principles, the human rights, the gender view, the peace, the tolerant living, the respect for the environment and the natural resources. To promote the access and the most efficient use of the communication and information technologies. To endorse exchange and scholarship programs for students, teaches, researches and educational managers. At a multilateral level, the governments agreed to promote the horizontal cooperation in the educational topics and instructed the international organizations (OAS, BID, World Bank and CEPAL) to support the programs consistent with the objectives proposed en this chapter of Plan of Action, particularly strengthening the regional cooperation in distant education, internships and exchange programs, development and use of the information technologies for the education, update the educational statistics and quality evaluation.

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©2006 Organización de los Estados Americanos. Derechos Reservados. Descargo
Preparada y mantenida por DDSE
Diseño: Claudia Saidon. Para sugerencias, comentarios y correciones: [email protected]

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