Guide of Strategies and Mechanisms for Effective Public Management (GEMGPE) - Jamaica


Indicators of Public Management

Government of Jamaica

  • Bank of Jamaica: Presents indicators and economic statistics about Jamaica.
  • Statistical Institute of Jamaica: Presents economic, social, demographic, environmental and census statistics and indicators, in order that the public and private stakeholders, researchers and citizens can make informed decisions.

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

The World Bank (WB)

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

United Nations (UN)


Organization of American States (OAS)

Innovative Experiences in Effective Public Management and Regional Cooperation Strategies” (2012). Organization of American States.

Política, Dinero y Poder: Un Dilema para las Democracias de las Américas” (2011). Organización de los Estados Americanos.

La Descentralización y los Desafíos de la Gobernabilidad Democrática” (2008). Organización de Estados Americanos.

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

Managing for Development Results: Progress and Challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean” (2011). García, Roberto; García, Mauricio.

Labour Market Institutions in the Caribbean” (2007). Inter-American Development Bank.

Fiscal Policy Issues in Jamaica: Budgetary Institutions, the Tax System and Public Debt Management” (2003). Inter-American Development Bank.

Competitividad, Gobierno y Organizaciones Locales” (2006). Escofet, Horacio.

Evaluation of Civil Service Systems - Case Study: Jamaica” (2002). Isaacs, Hedy.

The World Bank Group (BM)

Country Partnership Strategy Progress Report: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Finance Corporation” (2012). The World Bank Group.

Jamaica: Poverty and Social Impacts of Fiscal Reforms” (2012). The World Bank Group.

A mixed-method Approach to Measuring Empowerment in the Context of Social Policy Monitoring in Jamaica” (2009). The World Bank Group

United Nations (UN)

 A. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

Panorama de la Gestión Pública en América Latina” (2011). Alicia Bárcena; Antonio Prado; Jorge Máttar.

Information on Disaster Risk Management. Case Studies of five countries” – includes Jamaica (2007). Zapata-Martí, Ricardo.
Estrategias Nacionales para la Sociedad de la Información en América Latina y el Caribe”. (2005). Martin Hilbert; Sebastián Bustos; João Carlos Ferraz

Structural Reforms, Productivity and Technological Change in Latin America” (2001). Jorge M. Katz.

B.  United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Caribbean Human Development Report 2012: Human Development and the Shift to Better Citizen Security” (2012). United Nations Development Programme.

Discussion Paper: Mapping the Global Partnership for Development – Jamaica, Riding the Waves of Globalization” (2009). United Nations Development Programme.

National Report of Jamaica on Millenium Development Goals” (2009). United Nations Development Programme.


Last update: June 18, 2013