Estado Miembro: Estados Unidos de América

Representante Fecha de Nombramiento Alterno(s) Fecha de Nombramiento Agregado

The Honorable Francisco O.  MORA
The Honorable Francisco O. MORA
Ambassador, Permanent Representative

18 de enero de 2023 Mr. Thomas R. HASTINGS
Deputy Permanent Representative
(202) 647-9422
23 de agosto de 2022
Ms. Kimberly J. PENLAND
Political Counselor, Alternate Representative
(202) 647-6375
9 de agosto de 2024  
Development Counselor, Alternate Representative
(202) 647-9908
28 de octubre de 2015  
Mr. Giovanni A. SNIDLE
Senior Advisor, Alternate Representative
(202) 647-3799
13 de agosto de 1997  
Mr. Fernando D. ROJAS
Senior Advisor, Alternate Representative
(202) 647-9482
2 de agosto de 2004  
Ms. Rachel OWEN
Deputy Political Counselor, Alternate Representative
(202) 647-9378
31 de agosto de 2020  
Alternate Representative
(202) 647-9057
6 de septiembre de 2006  
Mr. William AYALA
International Economist and Alternate Representative
(202) 647-9912
22 de agosto de 2023  
Ms. Christina HEIFFERON
Alternate Representative
11 de mayo de 2023  
Senior Advisor, Alternate Representative
(202) 647-9908
14 de septiembre de 2023  
Ms. Lucero V. GOMEZ
Foreign Affairs Officer, Alternate Representative
10 de mayo de 2024  
Mr. Andrew W. VISCARDO
Foreign Affairs Officer, Alternate Representative
12 de marzo de 2024  
Mrs. Hilary RENNER
Foreign Affairs Officer, Alternate Representative
15 de abril de 2024  
Ms. Haydee ROJAS
Foreign Affairs Officer, Alternate Representative
15 de abril de 2024  
Ms. Jennifer SHOWELL
Deputy Director – Summit Coordination, Alternate Representative
(202) 647-3354
18 de febrero de 2014  
Ms. Barbara ADAIR
Summit Coordinator, Alternate Representative
(202) 736-7532
19 de febrero de 2020  
Mr. Theodore KILL
Attorney Adviser, Alternate Representative
30 de julio de 2021  
Ms. Katherine FENNELL
Attorney Adviser, Alternate Representative
(202) 647-7046
23 de julio de 2021  
Mr. James WALL
Foreign Affairs Officer, Alternate Representative
(202) 634-1497
3 de noviembre de 2023  

Dirección: WHA/USOAS Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs Department of State - Room 5914  Washington, D.C. 20520

Teléfono(s): (202) 647-9376

Fax: (202) 647-6973

E-mail: [email protected]

Sitio Web:

Horario de Oficina: 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. / Closed: Saturday and Sunday

The Honorable Joseph R. BIDEN

The Honorable Kamala D. HARRIS

Secretary of State:
The Honorable Anthony BLINKEN

Secretary of the Treasury:
The Honorable Dr. Janet YELLEN

Secretary of Defense:
The Honorable Lloyd AUSTIN

Attorney General :
The Honorable Merrick GARLAND

Secretary of Interior:
The Honorable Deb HAALAND

Secretary of Agriculture:
The Honorable Thomas VILSACK

Secretary of Commerce:
The Honorable Gina RAIMONDO

Secretary of Labor:
The Honorable Julie SU

Secretary of Health and Human Services:
The Honorable Xavier BECERRA

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development:
The Honorable Adrienne TODMAN

Secretary of Transportation:
The Honorable Pete BUTTIGIEG

Secretary of Energy:
The Honorable Jennifer GRANHOLM

Secretary of Education:
The Honorable Dr. Miguel CARDONA

Secretary of Veterans Affairs:
The Honorable Denis MCDONOUGH

Secretary Office of Homeland Security:
The Honorable Alejandro MAYORKAS

Chief of Staff, The White House:

Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency:
Mr. Michael REGAN

Acting Director, Office of Management and Budget:
Mrs. Shalanda YOUNG

U.S. Trade Representative:
Mr. Enoh T. EBON

Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations:
Her Excellency Linda THOMAS-GREENFIELD

Chair, Council of Economic Advisors :

Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency :
Mrs. Deanne CRISWELL

Director of National Drug Control Policy:
Mr. Rahul GUPTA

Administrator, Small Business Administration :
Mrs. Isabel GUZMAN

Director, Central Intelligence Agency:
Mr. William BURNS

Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States:
The Honorable Francisco O. MORA

Flag Estados Unidos de América

Capital: Washington, D.C.

Día Nacional: 4 de julio

Fecha de Ingreso al Sistema Interamericano: 1889

Sitio Web:

Cualquier modificación al Directorio de Misiones Permanentes debe ser comunicado a [email protected].