Freedom of Expression


Call for inputs

Visit to Ecuador


July 19th, 2018


The Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), Edison Lanza, announces his official visit to Ecuador, between August 20 and 24, to evaluate the situation of freedom of expression in the country.


For the first time in more than a decade, the Office of the Special Rapporteur will be able to asses in the field this situation and issue a special report with recommendations on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of expression in Ecuador.


In this regard, the Office of the Special Rapporteur thanks the current President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno Garcés, for the invitation received on April 17, 2018 and recognizes the efforts and mobilization of various civil society organizations dedicated to the promotion and defense of freedom of expression so that this official visit can be carried out.


Following the established practice, the Special Rapporteur calls upon civil society organizations and other interested parties to submit information that they consider relevant for their consideration in preparation for this visit, such as: 

  • Recent information, analytical reports and proposals from civil society on the situation of the right to freedom of the press and expression in Ecuador and its legal framework.
  • Information on violence against journalist and the issue of impunity in Ecuador.
  • Information on the use of criminal law against actors such as journalists, media outlets, human rights defenders, political leaders and demonstrators, for expressions of ideas, information or criticism of the government.
  • Information on the situation of the criminalization and other obstacles to the exercise of the right to social protest in the country.
  • Information about policies, programs and legal framework regarding access to public information.
  • Information on public policies and decisions regarding diversity and pluralism in broadcasting.
  • Information on progress and challenges for the exercise of freedom of expression on the Internet.
  • Priority issues or concerns and situations that deserve the attention of Special Rapporteur.
  • Contact information for organizations and representatives of civil society who wish to meet with the Special Rapporteur.

Please send the information by August 3, 2018 to [email protected]. The information can be sent in English or Spanish and must not be longer than 5 and 10 pages. If you know of relevant reports, please include or provide a link to the document online. Please indicate "2018 Visit to Ecuador" in the email header.