- A. Origin, legal bases, structure, purposes and mandates
- B. Status of ratification of inter-American instruments
- C. Progress achieved
- A. Election of the Executive Secretariat
- B. Financial crisis and efforts to address it
- C. Periods of sessions of the Inter-American Commission held in 2015
- D. Activities of the Inter-American Commission in connection to the
Inter-American Court
- E. Section of Friendly Settlements and Follow-up
- F. Activities of the IACHR in relation to the Political Organs of the OAS
- G. Activities of the IACHR with the regional and universal human rights organs
- H. Human Rights Promotion Activities
- A. Introduction
- B. Statistics
- Petitions declared admissible
- Petitions declared inadmissible
- Friendly Settlements
- Reports on the Merits
- Archival decisions
- C.1. Precautionary measures granted
- D. Status of compliance with the recommendations of the IACHR
- A. Activities of the Rapporteurships
- B. Thematic reports adopted by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
A. Overview of the human rights situation in the hemisphere
- A. Structure and Personnel of the IACHR
- B. Staff Training
- C. Financial resources and budget execution
- D. Resource Mobilization and Project Management
- E. Technology Advances
Report of the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression
Doc. 22
15 marzo 2017
Original: Español