CIDI Documents - 2013

CIDI/doc.79/13: Report to the Inter-American Council for Integral Development presented by the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) on OAS development programming and outcomes 2013  (Presented at the XXXIII CIDI regular meeting held December 11, 2013) 
                                    Español -

CIDI/doc.78/13:Report of the Chair of the Committee on Partnership-for-Development Policies  (Presented at the XXXIII CIDI regular meeting held December 11, 2013) 
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.77/13: Diagnostic assessment from for OAS member states "Inter-American Program for the Promotion and Protection of the Human Rights of Migrants, including Migrant Workers and Their Families" (Adopted at the thirty-third regular meeting, held on December 11, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.76/13: Diagnostic assessment from for OAS member states "Inter-American Program for the Promotion and Protection of the Human Rights of Migrants, including Migrant Workers and Their Families" (Adopted at the thirty-third regular meeting, held on December 11, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.75/13: Report of the Chair of the Committee of Migration Issues (Presented at the XXXIII CIDI regular meeting held December 11, 2013) 
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.74/13: Report of the Chair of the CIDI Working Group to Strengthen CIDI and its organs on the progress made with the instruction of presenting to CIDI its recommendations toward establishing a final operational structure for FEMCIDI (Presented at the XXXIII CIDI regular meeting held December 11, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.73/13: Proposals presented by the Delegation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines for the payment f the loan to the Capital Fund of the OAS Scholarship and Tanning Programs (Presented at the XXIX CIDI regular meeting held October 29, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.72/13: Status of the repayment of the US$3,7 million loan from the Capital Fund of the OAS Scholarship and Tanning Programs (Document prepared by the Secretariat for Administration and Finance)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.71/13: Responses to enquiries by Delegations during the discussion on the repayment of the loan from the Capital Fund of the OAS Scholarship and Tanning Programs  held at the CIDI meeting on October 8, 2013 (Document Prepared by the Department of Human Development, Education and Employment, October 15, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.70/13: Work Plan of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development  (SEDI) 2013-2014 [Presented by the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development in compliance with resolutions  AG/RES. 2778 (XLIII-O/13) y AG/RES. 2779 (XLIII-O/13)]
                                    Español - English

CIDI/doc.69/13: Mandates and recommendations of the 43rd regular session of the General Assembly to CIDI and its organs and to the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development  (Document prepared by the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development) 
                                    Español - English

CIDI/doc.68/13 rev. 1: Repayment of the loan to the Capital Fund of the OAS Scholarship and Training Programs funds and its effects on the OAS Scholarships and Training Programs (Document prepared by the Department of Human Development, Education and Employment and updated by the Secretariat of Administration and Finance in the wake of the forty-fifth special session of the General Assembly held October 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.67/13: Draft agenda for the Eighth regular meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports  (Agreed on August 27, 2013)
                                    Español -

CIDI/doc.66/13: List of Observers and Special Guests to the XXI Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Tourism  (Agreed on August 27, 2013)
                                    Español -

CIDI/doc.65/13: Pending paragraph from the Draft Declaration of San Pedro Sula on Geoturism in the Americas (CIDI/TUR-XXI/RP/doc.2/13 rev. 1)  (Agreed on August 27, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.64/13: Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable Development (CIDS) (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.63/13: Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC) (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.62/13: Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE) (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.61/13:  Manual of Procedures for the Scholarship and Training Programs of the Organization of American States (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.60/13: Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Tourism (CITUR) (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.59/13: Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.58/13: Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Social Development and Employment (CIDES) (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.57/13: Rules of Procedure of the Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology (COMCYT) (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.56/13: Rules of Procedure of the Nonpermanent Specialized Committees (CENPES) of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI)  (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.55/13: Statutes of the Committee of the Capital Fund for the OAS Scholarship and Training (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.54/13: Rules of Procedure of the Management Board of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD) (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.53/13: Report of the Chair of the CIDI Working Group to Strengthen CIDI and its organs on the regulatory review of CIDI and its subsidiary bodies with a view to reflecting the elimination of the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI) pursuant to resolution AG/RES. 2739 (XLII-O/12) “Optimization of the Structure of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development" (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -

CIDI/doc.52/13:  Report of the Chair of the Committee on Partnership for Development Policies on the preparations for the General Assembly and proposal to drafting mandates assigned to the General Secretariat (Agreed upon at the XXVII regular CIDI meeting held May  21, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.51/13: Draft resolution: “Strengthening the Inter-American Council for Integral Development: Political Dialogue and Partnership for Development Cooperation (Agreed upon at the XXVII regular CIDI meeting held May  21, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.50/13: Draft resolution: “Promoting Integrated Water Resource Management in the Americas” (Presented by the delegation of Colombia and cosponsored by the Delegations of Argentina and Bolivia. Agreed upon at the XXVII regular CIDI meeting held May  21, 2013) 
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.49/13: Draft resolution: “Strengthening the Inter-American Council for Integral Development: Political Dialogue and Partnership for Development Cooperation (Agreed upon at the XXVII regular CIDI meeting held May  21, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.48/13: Draft resolution: Strengthening the Topic of Migration in the OAS” (Presented by the Delegation of Mexico and co-sponsored by the Delegations of Chile, Ecuador y Uruguay. Agreed upon at the XXVII regular CIDI meeting held May  21, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.47/13: (Cancelled)

CIDI/doc.46/13 rev. 1: CIDI Annual Report to the General Assembly (2012-2013) (Agreed upon at the XXVII regular CIDI meeting held May  21, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.45/13 rev. 1: List of Observers and Special Guests to the Eighth regular meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology (COMCYT) (Agreed upon at the XXVII regular CIDI meeting held May  21, 2013)
                                    Español -

CIDI/doc.44/13 corr. 1: Preliminary Draft agenda for the Eighth regular meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology (COMCYT) (Presented by the delegation of Panama, as Chair of the Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.43/13: Proposed changes to the General Standards to Govern the Operations of the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.42/13:  Guidelines to drafting mandates assigned to the General Secretariat in draft resolutions that the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) will refer to the OAS General Assembly for consideration and declarations and resolutions adopted in the framework of CIDI  (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.41/13: Statutes of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD) (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.40/13: Rules of Procedure for the Regular and Special Meetings of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013 and reviewed by the Style Committee)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.39/13: Rules of Procedure for the Sectoral and Specialized Meetings of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013 and reviewed by the Style Committee)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.38/13: Statutes of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (Agreed upon at the XXVI regular CIDI meeting held April 30, 2013 and reviewed by the Style Committee)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.37/13: Draft resolution: “Convocation of the Seventh Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (Presented by the Delegation of Colombia)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.36/13 rev. 2: Annual Report of the Secretariat for Integral Development (June 2012- May 2013) (Agreed upon at the XXVII Regular Meeting held on May 21, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.35/13:  Preliminary Draft Agenda for the XVIII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (Presented by the Delegation of Colombia after the agreement reached at the Technical Preparatory Meeting of the XVIII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.34/13 rev. 1: List of Observers and Special Guests (Agreed upon at the twenty-sixth regular meeting held on April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -

CIDI/doc.33/13: Draft Annotated Agenda (Presented by the Delegation of Honduras. Includes the comments made by delegations during the informal meeting of April 25, 2013 )
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.32/13: Report to CIDI on the OAS Human Development and Education Programs (Document prepared by the Department of Human Development, Education and Culture)
                                    Español -

CIDI/doc.31/13: Draft resolution: Convocation of the Eighth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology (COMCYT) (Presented by the Delegation of Panama, Chair of the COMCYT)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.30/13: Draft resolution: “Convocation of a Special Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Tourism through a virtual forum to review the project profiles presented by member States to the Special Multilateral Fund of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development” (Presented by the Delegation of Ecuador, Chair of the Inter-American Committee on Tourism)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.29/13: Draft resolution:  “Change of date of the Eighteenth Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor and celebration of its 50th Anniversary of ” (Presented by the delegation of Colombia)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.28/13 rev 2: Draft Agenda for the XXI Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Tourism" (Agreed upon at the twenty-sixth regular meeting held on April 30, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.27/13: Draft resolution: “Convocation of the XXI Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Tourism (Presented by the Delegation of Honduras)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.26/13 rev. 1: Draft List of Observers and Special Guests (Approved at the XXIV Regular Meeting held on February 26, 2013)
                                    Español -

CIDI/doc.25/13 rev 1: Preliminary Draft Agenda (Approved at the XXIV Regular Meeting held on February 26, 2013)
                                    Español -
English- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.24/13: (Cancelled)