CIDI Informative Documents - 2016

CIDI/INF.196/16: Presentation by the Chair of the CIDI Working Group to Strengthen CIDI and its organs (GTFORCIDI) (Item 4 of the order of business: : “Report of the Chair of the Working Group to Strengthen CIDI and its organs (GTFORCIDI) at the LXV regular meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), held December 13, 2016) 
                                     Español - English

CIDI/INF.195/16: Note from the delegation of Guyana offering to host the XXIV Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High-level Authorities of Tourism
                                     Español - English - Français -

CIDI/INF.194/16: Presentation by the delegation of Trinidad and Tobago (Item 2 of the order of business: “Experiences of public-private partnerships as a mechanism for generating access to initiatives that assist in promoting societies in the member states with greater development opportunities” at the LXIV regular meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), held November 8, 2016)

CIDI/INF.193/16: Presentation by the delegation of Panama (Item 2 of the order of business: “Experiences of public-private partnerships as a mechanism for generating access to initiatives that assist in promoting societies in the member states with greater development opportunities” at the LXIV regular meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), held November 8, 2016)

CIDI/INF.192/16: Presentation of Mr. Hearly G. Mayer, Director for Communications and Public Affairs, Pan American Development Fund (PADF)  (Item 2 of the order of business: “Experiences of public-private partnerships as a mechanism for generating access to initiatives that assist in promoting societies in the member states with greater development opportunities” at the LXIV regular meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), held November 8, 2016)

CIDI/INF.191/16: Financial report of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (January to September 2016) (Presented by the Technical Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports in accordance with operative paragraph 5 of resolution AG/RES 2648 (XLI-O/11) “Improving Transparency and Effectiveness of the Inter-American Committee on Ports”)

CIDI/INF.190/16: Presentation of Ms. Alicia Avendaño, Director for Projects on Innovation and New Business, Electricity Institute of Costa Rica  (Item 2 of the order of business: “Experiences of public-private partnerships as a mechanism for generating access to initiatives that assist in promoting societies in the member states with greater development opportunities” at the LXIV regular meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), held November 8, 2016)

CIDI/INF.189/16: Note from the delegation of Paraguay reporting that it is lifting its ad referendum reservation to the last paragraph of section 4 of the draft Inter-American Education Agenda (CIDI/RPME/DOC.32/16 REV. 3), to be considered at the IX Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education within the framework of CIDI, and that it will instead include a footnote
                                     Español - English - Français -

CIDI/INF.188/16: Statement by the delegation of Antigua and Barbuda  (Item 2 of the order of business: “Support for the member states in implementing the Sendai Framework and, in particular, actions for the implementation of the Regional Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction” at the LXIII regular meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), held October 25, 2016)

CIDI/INF.187/16: Statement by the delegation of Argentina  (Item 2 of the order of business: “Support for the member states in implementing the Sendai Framework and, in particular, actions for the implementation of the Regional Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction” at the LXIII regular meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), held October 25, 2016)

CIDI/INF.186/16: “The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: Disaster Risk Management at the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States and a discussion on its role in the implementation (Presentation of Mr. Pablo Gonzalez, Principal Specialist and Chief, Risk Management and Adaptation to Climate Change, at the LXIII regular meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development, October 25, 2016) (Item 2 of the order of business: "Support for the member states in implementing the Sendai Framework and, in particular, actions for the implementation of the Regional Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction")
                                     Español - English

CIDI/INF.185/16: New approach for cooperation in the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (Presentation by Ms. Kim Osborne, Chief of the Technical Cooperation Section at the LXI regular CIDI meeting, held September 23, 2016) (Item 2 of the order of business: "Key aspects of cooperation management”)

CIDI/INF.184/16: Note from the Secretary General regarding a review of what constitutes direct and indirect costs, as requested by resolution AG/RES. 2892 (XLVI-O/16) “Management Modernization”
                                     Español - English

CIDI/INF.183/16: Financial report of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (January to June 2016) (Presented by the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports in accordance with operative paragraph 5 of resolution AG/RES 2648 (XLI-O/11) -Improving Transparency and Effectiveness of the Inter-American Committee on Ports)

CIDI/INF.182/16: Candidacy submitted by the delegation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to serve in the Committee of the Capital Fund for the OAS Scholarships and Training Programs
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CIDI/INF.181/16: Candidacy submitted by the delegation of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to serve in the Management Board of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development
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CIDI/INF.180/16: Candidacy submitted by the delegation of El Salvador to serve in the Management Board of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development
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CIDI/INF.179/16: Candidacy submitted by the delegation of Uruguay to serve in the Management Board of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development
                                     Español - English - Français -

CIDI/INF.178/16 add.6: Note from the Secretary General Transmitting the National Reports in compliance with the Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights regarding economic, social and cultural rights -  Protocol of San Salvador - (National Report submitted by the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, for the first grouping of rights: Rights to Social Security, Health and Education. Includes Observations by the Working Group of the Protocol of San Salvador)     

CIDI/INF.177/16: Note from the Delegation of the Dominican Republic, Requesting the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) to Convene the Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable Development (CIDS)
                                     Español - English - Français -

CIDI/INF.176/16: Financial Report of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (January to December, 2015) (Presented by the Technical Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports, in accordance with the operative paragraph 5 of the resolution AG/RES2648 (XLI-O/11) "Improving Transparency and Effectiveness of the Inter-American Committee on Ports"

CIDI/INF.175/16: Trust for the Americas:  (Presentation by Mr. Darío Soto, Chief Operating Officer,  Trust for the Americas, at the VLII regular meeting of CIDI, held on April 19, 2016)

CIDI/INF.174/16: Panamerican Development Foundation: More Opportunities for More People: (Presentation by Mr. John Sanbrailo,  Executive Director, Panamerican Development Foundation at the VLII regular meeting of CIDI, held on April 19, 2016)

CIDI/INF.173/16: Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: Diagnosis and Perspectives (Presentation by Mrs. Maria Isabel Bos, Specialist, Division of Education of the IDB, at the VLII regular meeting of CIDI, held on April 19, 2016)

CIDI/INF.172/16: Improving Efficiency of Education Systems in Latin America  (Presentation by Dr. Rafael Hoyos, Senior Economist on Educational Issues, World Bank, at the VLII regular meeting of CIDI, held on April 19, 2016)

CIDI/INF.171/16: Quality of Education: Key on the Road to Equality (Presentation by Dr. Inés Bustillo, Director, Office of  ECLAC in Washington D. C., at the VLII regular meeting of CIDI, held on April 19, 2016)
                                     Español - English

CIDI/INF.170/16: Trends and Challenges in Education in Latin America (Presented by Dr. Ariel Fiszbein, Director, Education Program, Inter-American Dialogue, at the VLII regular meeting of CIDI, held on April 19, 2016)

CIDI/INF.169/16: Note from the delegation of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas offering to Host the Ninth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Education within the Framework of CIDI, and Requesting Inclusion of an Agenda Item to Convene it at the next regular meeting of CIDI 
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CIDI/INF.168/16: Note from the delegation of Paraguay Forwarding the Preliminary Draft Agenda for the Seventh Meeting of Ministers and Highest Appropriate Authorities of Culture in the framework of CIDI
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CIDI/INF.167/16: Note from the delegation of Paraguay Requesting the Inclusion of an item in the agenda for the next regular meeting of CIDI, to consider the change of dates of the  Seventh Meeting of Ministers and Highest Appropriate Authorities of Culture in the framework of CIDI
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CIDI/INF.166/16: Remarks by Minister Héctor Cárdenas of the Ministry of Social Action of  Paraguay in the Framework of the presentation  of the Third Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Social Development in the Framework of CIDI (at the LVI regular meeting of  CIDI, held on March 29, 2016)

CIDI/INF.165/16: Multidimensional Poverty Management (Presentation by Mrs. Sabina Alkire, Director of the Initiative on Poverty and human Development, University of Oxford (OPHI), at the LVI regular meeting of  CIDI, held on March 29, 2016)

CIDI/INF.164/16: Poverty and Inequality: Pending Agenda and Proposals from the OAS (Presented by Mrs. Ideli Salvatti, Secretary of Access to Rights and Equity of the OAS, at the LVI regular meeting of  CIDI, held on March 29, 2016)

CIDI/INF.163/16: Fiscal Policy Incidence on Poverty and Inequality in Latin America (Presentation made by Mr. Ludovico Feoli, Center for Inter-American Policy and Research, Commitment to Equity (CEQ), University of Tulane, at the LVI regular meeting of  CIDI, held on March 29, 2016)

CIDI/INF.162/16: 10 Years of the OAS Inter-American Network for Labor (RIAL) (Presented by Maria Claudia Camacho, Chief, Section of Labor and Employment, Department of Human Development, Education and Employment OAS/SEDI, at the LVI regular meeting of  CIDI, held on March 29, 2016)
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CIDI/INF.161/16: Candidacy presented by the delegation of México for Membership of the Management Board of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (MB/AICD) for the period of 2016-2018
                                     Español - English - Français -

CIDI/INF.160/16: Remarks by Ambassador Dr. Neil Parsan, Executive Secretary for Integral Development (At the regular meeting of CIDI, held on January 28, 2016)
                                     Español - English

CIDI/INF.159/16: Note from the delegation of Uruguay offering to Host the Tenth  Regular Meeting  of the Inter-American Committee on Ports  (CIP)
                                     Español - English - Français -