2020 Documents - Committee on Partnership for Development Policies

CIDI/CPD/doc.202/20:   Report of the Chair on the Analysis of the study on tools and entities of the Inter-American System to address natural disaster response
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.201/20:   Draft Resolution "The Challenges to Food Security and Nutrition in the Americas in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic under the framework of the Plan of Action of Guatemala 2019" to be transmitted to the General Assembly at its Fiftieth Regular Session  (Agreed upon at the Committee  meeting held on September 29, 2020)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.200/20:   Consideration of the study on tools and entities of the Inter-American System to address natural disaster response, document CIDI/CPD/doc.188/19 - Recommendations  (Agreed upon at the Committee  meeting held on September 11, 2020)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.199/20:   Proposed meetings schedule - July-October, 2020 (Agreed during the meeting of the Committee held on July 28, 2020)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.198/20:   Inter-American Network for  Disasters Mitigation  Reduction (INDM) - Conclusions and Recommendations by the Committee on Partnership for Development Policies (Agreed during the meeting held on July 28, 2020, ad referendum of the Delegations of Costa Rica and Uruguay)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.197/20:   The Inter-American Committee on Natural Disaster Reduction (IACNDR) (Agreed during the meeting held on July 28, 2020)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.196/20:   Note from the Permanent Mission of Ecuador, forwarding observations and comments on the "Preliminary Draft Resolution "Advancing Hemispheric Initiatives on Integral Development"
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.195/20:   Preliminary Draft Resolution "Advancing Hemispheric Initiatives on Integral Development"  (Presented by the Chair on May 19, 2020)
                                                English  - Español

CIDI/CPD/doc.194/20:   Consideration of the study on tools and entities of the Inter-American System to address natural disaster response - Draft recommendations related to the Inter-American Convention to Facilitate Disaster Assistance (Agreed upon at the Committee  meeting held on March 3, 2020)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.193/20:   Consideration of the study on tools and entities of the Inter-American System to address natural disaster response - Draft recommendations related to the Inter-American Emergency Aid Fund (FONDEM) (Agreed by the Committee at the meeting held on February 18, 2020)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.192/20:   Proposed methodology for the presentation and  negotiation of the draft resolution (s) that CIDI will submit to the  Fiftieth Regular Session of the General Assembly (Approved by the Committee at the meeting held on March 3, 2020)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português

CIDI/CPD/doc.191/20:   Procedures for considering the study on tools and entities of the Inter-American System to address natural disaster response  (Approved by the Committee at the meeting held on January 30, 2020)
                                                English  - Español - Français - Português