Documents of the XVI Regular Meeting of CIDI - May 6, 9 and 10, 2011

Authorities of the XVI Regular Meeting of  CIDI:

Chair:                  Ambassador  Nestor Mendez, Permanent Representative of Belize
Vice Chair:          Margarita Riva-Geoghegan, Counselor, Alternate Representative of the United States


CIDI/doc.10/11:  Decisions on cooperation by the XVI Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI)
                        Español - English - Français - Português

CIDI/doc.10/11 Add. 1Report of the rapporteur  of the XVI Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI)
                        Español - English - Français - Português

CIDI/doc.9/11 rev. 1:  Report of the Chair and Vice Chair of the XVI Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) on the CIDI Annual Report and draft resolutions CIDI is submitting for the consideration of the Forty-first regular session of the OAS General Assembly
                        Español - English

CIDI/doc.8/11Resolutions approved by the XVI Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI)
                        Español (corr. 1) - English - Français - Português

CIDI/doc.8/11 Add. 1 (corr. 2):  Draft resolutions agreed by the XVI Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) and forwarded to the consideration of  the General Assembly in its forty-first regular meeting (Agreed during the meeting held on May 9 and 10, 2011 and subject to revision by the Style Committee)
                        Español - English (corr.2) - Français - Português (corr. 2)

CIDI/doc.7/11Draft resolution:  "The Climate Change in the countries of the Hemisphere" (Considered during the Preparatory Session meeting held May 6, 2011)
                        Español - English - Français - Português

CIDI/doc.6/11 rev. 1 corr. 1Annual Report of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (Approved during the first plenary session held on May 9, 2011)
                        Español - English - Français - Português

CIDI/doc.5/11Programmed meetings within the framework of CIDI and funded with the funds from Program 72H of the Regular Fund of the Organization of American States for the period 2011-2012

CIDI/doc.4/11 rev. 1Schedule for the XVI Inter-American Council for Integral Development
                        Español - English - Français - Português

CIDI/doc.3/11Annotated Agenda for the XVI Inter-American Council for Integral Development
                        Español - English - Français - Português

CIDI/doc.2/11 (corr.3)Agenda for the XVI Inter-American Council for Integral Development
                        Español (corr.1)- English (corr 3)- Français - Português

CIDI/doc.1/11List of documents registered by the Secretariat

Informative Documents

CIDI/INF.5/11:  Advances and challenges from the Course of Action of Playa del Carmen and the Consensus of Bogota  (Presentation by the Secretariat for External Relations - Fourth Plenary Session held May 9, 2011)
                        Español - English

CIDI/INF.4/11:  The Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL) of the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (Report 2006-2010 presented to the XVI Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development to support the dialogue of the Sixth Plenary Session held May 10, 2011)
                        Español - English

CIDI/INF.3/11 corr. 1:  Cooperation and financing mechanisms now in implementation in the framework of the OAS: Strategy to mobilize external funds (Presentation made by the Secretariat for External Affairs - Fifth Plenary Session, held May 9, 2011)
                        Español - English (corr. 1)

CIDI/INF.2/11:  OAS/SEDI Cooperation Catalog 2011:  Strengthening partnership in the Americas"
                        Español - English

CIDI/INF.1/11:  Cooperation and financing mechanisms now in implementation in the framework of the OAS (Presentation made by the Secretariat for External Affairs and the Secretariat for Administration and Finances - Fifth Plenary Session, held May 9, 2011)
                        Español - English