• Fecha: 21/01/2011 Párrafos: 45Trinidad and Tobago participates in the Energy Economic Information System (SIEE) which is a statistical database of the energy sector which includes information from the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) member countries on oil, natural gas, LNG, coal, refined oil, electricity and others with a historical series since 1970. Additionally, the SIEE produces the Energy Statistics Report which is developed based on the information provided by the Ministries of Energy of OLADE Member Countries and prepared by experts at the Organization. It presents statistical historical data and includes data on ethanol production and consumption, world power generation by type of plants and energy demand matrices by country, by region for Latin American and the Caribbean.
The Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, through its continued active membership in OLADE, is committed to its regional energy initiatives. The benefit is that it aims to increase our understanding of the dynamics of the global energy market and allows for the forging of partnerships between Trinidad and Tobago and the nations of the Latin American and Caribbean region.
• Fecha: 21/01/2011 Párrafos: 48Trinidad and Tobago continues to support regional interconnection initiatives for use of Natural Gas. In this regard, the Government is supportive of the private-led Eastern Caribbean Gas Pipeline (ECGP), which, essentially, seeks to replace the use of diesel and fuel oil. This concept of undersea network to supply gas to several small Caribbean markets is another prong in the business strategy. This initiative also offers the potential for diversifying energy sources and reducing costs. Trinidad and Tobago sees this proposal as an attempt to assist its less-fortunate neighbours. The major benefits of the ECGP are as follows:
-The provision of natural gas to the Caribbean region at predictable non-volatile prices;
-The integration of the Eastern Caribbean through infrastructure development;
-The deepening of opportunities for Trinidad and Tobago business expansion and development in the Eastern Caribbean; and
-The opportunity for broad Caribbean participation in the Energy Sector.
Cooperation is also encouraged in improving the security, safety, quality, reliability and protection of our critical energy infrastructure and supply networks, including regional interconnection networks where feasible and useful. In this context, the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, together with the Ministry of National Security, and in collaboration with international experts, have conducted the first phase of a Critical Infrastructure Protection Programme. Further activity on this matter is ongoing as the need for a long-term action plan is evident.
• Fecha: 21/01/2011 Párrafos: 50In terms of industrial power generation, Trinidad and Tobago has moved from single-cycle to combined-cycle generators. The Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC) has proposed various strategies to efficiently use and maximise natural gas. These include the use of high efficient combined cycle generators, replacing the less efficient Single-Cycle plant. A combined-cycle generator uses natural gas more efficiently than a single cycle turbine. The combined-cycle generators will increase generation capacity of plants with no additional use of natural gas.
With regard to Commercial enterprises, there is a programme whereby there are several industrial estates, where small and medium industries are supplied with natural gas; and initiative of Government to stimulate the Light Industrial and Commercial (LIC) sector.
• Fecha: 21/01/2011 Párrafos: 51In 1970, Trinidad and Tobago ratified the “Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America”, which obligates Latin American parties not to acquire or possess nuclear weapons, nor to permit the storage or deployment of nuclear weapons on their territories by other countries. This Treaty seeks to ensure that Latin America remains a ‘nuclear free zone’. However, this country has not signed any of the three amendments to the Treaty subsequent to the ratification of 1970. The Government of Trinidad and Tobago is committed to the development of a sustainable mechanism to detect and manage all possible threats/crises that may occur against the energy based resources and energy sectors through the collaboration and co-operation amongst the Ministry of National Security, other state agencies such as the Ministry of Energy and the industrial sector.
The following objectives were named:
-To formalise an arrangement between the industrial sector; the Ministry of National Security and other relevant state agencies with respect to information sharing and mutual assistance;
-To formalize an arrangement amongst state agencies and the industrial sector with respect to incidents/crises management;
-To create a framework to conduct an assessment and evaluate the risk to the industrial sector;
-To create a management system to ensure the sustainability of the mechanism
• Fecha: 21/01/2011 Párrafos: 52In 2006, the Natural Gas Institute of the Americas (NGIA) was launched by the UTT, with grant funding from several state and private sector entities. The NGIA is dedicated to natural gas-related research that impacts the largely hydrocarbon-based economy of the country.
Trinidad and Tobago is developing a policy framework through the National Climate Change Policy to enhance energy efficiency. Ways are currently being explored for renewable energy sources and there is an appointed committee under the Chairmanship of the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries to develop a green paper on renewable energy.
In the context of Research and Development (R&D), the NGIA has also initiated several projects in collaboration with industry which have more immediate application and commercial value; these include a renewable energy project with the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries (MEEI). The NGIA took the lead in drafting the terms of reference for a comprehensive study into the implementation of RE technology in Trinidad and Tobago. The proposed study is to include, inter alia, a current state assessment (technical and economic) of RE applications and research activities in Trinidad and Tobago into Photovoltaic solar power, solar thermal energy, wind energy, wave energy and bio fuels (biomass, biogas, biodiesel and bio ethanol). Targets, strategies and fiscal incentives are to be considered. The study is intended to examine fiscal, regulatory and institutional frameworks for RE implementation. The study is intended to examine fiscal, regulatory and institutional frameworks for RE implementation. Targets, strategies and fiscal incentives are also to be considered.
• Fecha: 21/01/2011 Párrafos: 55The Government of Trinidad and Tobago expects corporate social responsibility by large corporate entities such as bpTT and BHP Billiton to be regularly practiced and cover a wide scope of the region. To date, a number of energy companies have been driven to carry out various community outreach programmes. bpTT has been continuously engaged in a number of educational initiatives, from remedial programmes, to the provision of scholarships and incentives for outstanding performance. This includes awards for the top performers in the national Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) examinations at the primary level, bursaries at the tertiary-level and sponsorship of technical/vocational skills training and development.
BHP Billiton has partnered with community groups in the North East of Trinidad to establish the Turtle Village Trust. The Vision of the Turtle Village Trust is to make Trinidad and Tobago the premier turtle tourism destination globally. Trinidad and Tobago is one of the top turtle nesting sites in the world; with an average of 400-500 leatherback turtles coming onto Gran Riviere beach alone per night at the peak of the season. Additionally, BHP cosponsored an ecotourism conference held earlier this year with the goal of sharing ideas on critical issues relative to turtle conservation, ecotourism, challenges of climate change and sustainable community development.
• Fecha: 21/01/2011 Párrafos: 49Since 1964, Trinidad and Tobago has been utilizing clean-burning Natural Gas exclusively, for electricity generation. Presently, existing generation plants are predominantly simple cycle gas turbines (GTs) and gas fired boiler steam turbines (STs) with a thermal efficiency averaging 25%. The strategy is to have a generation expansion plan that will use high efficiency generation (over 40%) operated as combine cycle.
Further fuel economies in generation will be achieved through:
-The use of these new high efficient machines in combined cycle for base load (mainly industrial load).
-The cycling of less efficient plant to follow load peaks.
-The introduction of Demand Side Management through tariffs as well as incentives for the use of Renewable Energy Sources
Further, it is the intention of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to increase the number of service stations retailing Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) throughout the country in order to promote an environmentally friendly, cleaner and cheaper fuel which will also reduce transportation costs to the benefit of commuters and the national economy. As the number of service stations offering CNG increases, the Government will be able to reduce the subsidy on gas as a more economical source of fuel will be available to its citizens. The Government will also support the cost of CNG conversion Kits as well as the importation of CNG ready vehicles. The applicable taxes and duties on the CNG equipment will also be waived.
A Renewable Energy Committee (REC) was launched on February 13, 2009 to prepare a Policy Green Paper on RE and promote domestic RE development and usage. The Green Paper, when completed, is intended to provide the framework for rational and prudent decision making by the Government, for moving forward with its plans and programmes.
(For more information, please refer to pages 46-49 of Trinidad and Tobago's National Report)