Levée des résolutions de mesures de précaution
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) decided to lift these precautionary measures in favor of María Patricia Arce Guzmán and her children in Bolivia. At the time of making the decision, the Commission recognized the measures taken by the State during the implementation, as well as the passage of time without threatening events. After several requests for information to the representation and the State's request to lift the measures, no response has been received from the representation in a period of time. Taking into account the nature of the precautionary measures and in light of the information available, the Commission considered that at this time it is not possible to establish a threatening situation under the terms of Article 25 of the Rules of Procedure, and decided to lift the measures.
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) decides to lift the precautionary measures at hand in favor of Liz Patricia Benavides Vargas and her family unit in Peru. At the time of making the decision, the Commission recognized the measures taken by the State during the implementation, as well as the change of factual circumstances in relation to the beneficiary's functions, coupled with the passage of time without threatening events. Following the State's repeated requests so that the IACHR issue a ruling on the validity of these precautionary measures, including a request to lift them, the IACHR asked for information from the beneficiaries' representation, who stopped responding. Taking into account the nature of the precautionary measures and in light of the information available, the Commission considered that at this time it is not possible to establish a threatening situation under the terms of Article 25 of the Rules of Procedure, and decided to lift the measures at hand.