The Situation of Freedom of Expression in Guatemala
The Situation of People with Disabilities in Prisons in Honduras
Social protests and indigenous peoples in Ecuador
Case 13.730 - G.C.A.M. and son vs Ecuador
Reparations with a Gender and Diversity Perspective in Transitional Justice (Ex Officio)
Arbitrary detentions and situation of persons deprived of liberty in the State of Exception in El Salvador
Militarization of Public Security in Mexico
Respect and guarantee of human rights in the face of the activities of arms production and trade companies in the Americas
Border policies and protection of the human rights of people in human mobility (Ex Officio)
Sexual and Reproductive Rights of Adolescents in the Caribbean Region
Impacts of State Violence on the Families of Afro-descendants in Brazil
Situation of the human rights of indigenous peoples in Brazil
Situation of the Right to Gender Identity and the Recognition of Same Sex Family Links in Bolivia
The situation of freedom of association in Nicaragua
Implementation of Precautionary Measures for Human Rights Defenders in Colombia
Case 13.141 - Luis Alfonso Hoyos Aristizábal vs Colombia
The situation of indigenous peoples and forced displacement in the context of climate change in the United States
Precautionary Measures - Detainees in Guantánamo Bay with respect to the United States
The impacts of criminalization laws that continue to affect LGBTI people in the region (Ex Officio)
The Situation of Religious Freedom in the Region
Case 14.042 - Anastasio Hernández Rojas v. United States